Drinks with the Queen

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The sound of metal on metal could be heard outside of the huge walls of Junkertown, as a rogue group of omnics jumped around outside of the gates, trying their best to break in through the doors. The guards had been on high alert, forbidding anyone from coming close to the doors in case of an emergency. The Queen walked up to the doors with her axe on her shoulder as she groaned.
"Can't I have one peaceful day where there isn't a blooming mistake from you bastards?" she growled as she finished a bottle of booze like nothing before tossing it, "Who led those freaks here?"
"The men aren't to sure your majesty. There hasn't been anyone out this door at all." one of the guards spoke up as she shot him a glare.
"Course there hasn't. Cause if there was someone would've been tossed out already to feed those mangy rust buckets..." She growled as Meri turned to her.
"Would you like me to handle them for you Odessa?" she asked as she clinked her metal hand.
"No no. I got someone coming for that." she said with a smirk
"Puta mierda!!" Anthony shouted as everyone turned around to look up at him, "Es muy temprano para esto!!"
"You aren't serious are you?" Meri said as she looked to the Queen who just gave her a smirk.
"About time you showed up. I was starting to get worried you got cold feet!" Odessa said as she put her hand on her hip.
He clicked his tongue before groaning, " I'm here aren't I? So what do we have...I swear if you woke me up this early on my cheat day to fix your shotgun again..."
"Oh don't worry it's something important. Go take a look up there." she said as she nodded her head to the guards room.
He looked at her before groaning as he walked up the steps as Meri looked to the Odessa again, "Why are we trusting him to go out there and handle those things?"
"Have you seen him fight those things? I almost feel sorry for those wankers!" Odessa laughed as she rested her axe on her shoulder, "Besides, if he dies out there then we didn't lose anyone of importance."
"I see your point." Meri said before they heard a bunch of yelling looking up to see Anthony shouting in spanish.
"What's the problem?"
"¿Ves cuántos nuestros por ahí? ¿Estás tratando de matarme?" he shouted down at her.
"Speak normal mate, you know I have no clue what you're saying when you talk funny like that!" she shouted up to him.
"Hija de puta madre ¿De verdad acabas de decirme que hablo raro cuando estás aquí hablando como un montón de maníacos? Pendeja!" he shouted back at her as he threw his hands up.
"Ant!" Odessa groaned as she rubbed the bridge of her nose, "You're really starting to piss me off with all the yelling! Now could you please, get out there and take care of that problem so we can move on with our day?"
He groaned as he pulled his shotgun out, "Bien, bien..." he said as he used one of the chains that they handed him, hanging on as they slowly lowered him down, "Speak normal Ant. We don't know what that means Ant...Estupida..." he grumbled as he felt the chain lower just above the group of omnics as they jumped at him, "Andante a la vega cabrons...get lost!" he shouted as he waved at them.
They kept growling and jumping at him as he sighed, "Alright...you asked for it..." he said before he jumped down into the group.

Inside the walls
The group listened as they could hear the sounds of yelling, followed by shotgun shots firing out. The fight seeming to get intense as more and more metal clangs could be heard. All the guards listened carefully as they tried to get an idea of who was winning. Hearing him occasionally say something in spanish, sounding incredibly angry before the sentence was followed with several smacking sounds.
"You really think that kid has any chance agains that group?" Meri asked, "That was a pretty big pack ."
"Oh Meri, you old bugger. Course the little creep has a chance. He's been fighting in the arena and been man handling raiders for a few weeks now! A bunch of omnics ain't nothing to him!" Odessa replied as she took a bottle of booze frome one of the guards chugging it.
"To you Odessa. We know you can handle yourself, we've all seen it. But that kid looks like he couldn't even handle a stiff drink." Meri said as she looked to him, "The fact he's even made it as far as he has in the arenas nothing short of a miracle."
"So what are you saying?" Odessa said as she lowered the bottle, wiping her mouth.
"What I'm saying is I think that maybe your putting a little to much faith in-"
A knock sounded at the huge metal doors as everyone turned and looked to them. Everyone raised their arms as they listened again, waiting for multiple strikes to start up again. Odessa looked up at the guards in their high rooms as they looked out for a second before quickly rushing to open the metal doors. They remained strong, with their weapons up and at the ready as they saw a silhouette walking in through the doors. It limped forward, as the light around it faded as they caught the sight of an omnic stumbling in. They all took aim before Odessa held up her hand.
"Wait!" she shouted as she noticed something was off, spotting the trail of oil coming form behind it as it's eyes went on and off before it fell forward in a loud crash.
She looked up as she could see another silhouette walking forward, holding a gun at their side as she smirked. Seeing Anthony walk back in. His clothes were a little torn up and covered in oil as he walked up to the body stepping on it as he looked to her.
"Okay...that's every omnic outside those doors. We good?" he asked as she chuckled.
"We are. Now move your ass, I'm thirsty." she said as she tossed the bottle she had in her hand to the side as she walked back towards the city, "Meri get some Tinkerers on fixing the doors right away. Keep some men here so we don't get anymore unwanted visitors."
"On it." Meri said as she looked to Anthony who stopped right by her, pulling off something from the omnic holding it up to her. The device was small and round with a strobing red light on it that blinked on and off slowly.
"I saw this on a few of them. You mind taking a look at it for me?" he asked looking up at her.
She raised a brow as she took it right out of his hands, "I'll take a look at it."
"Thanks! Appreciate it!" he smiled as he followed after Odessa as Meri looked at the device with intrigue.
As the pair walked down the streets, Odessa cocked her arm back before smacking Anthony on his back, "Good job there Ant! I knew you could handle that teeny tiny group of omnics!"
He stumbled slightly as she hit him before he caught his footing, turning back to face her "Teeny tiny? Odessa...mi amiga, there were like almost over 2 dozen omnics out there! You could've at least warned me first!" he replied as he looked up at her, "It's almost like you're trying to kill me!"
"Oh come on. If I was trying to kill ya, you'd already be dead." she said as she twirled her knife in front of his face.
"I'm well aware of that...so if you aren't trying to kill me what exactly are you doing?" he asked as he pushed her knife away.
"It's a complicated plan Ant, nothing I can really tell ya. If I did, I'd have to kill ya~" she said with a smirk as he rolled his eyes.
"Claro que lo es," he replied as he kept following behind her as they walked into a bar, "Don't you think it's just the tiniest bit early to go drinking?"
"Early? I say it's late! It's almost 10 after all!" she laughed as they sat down at the bar as she slammed her hand down, "Oi! Two beers for me and the pint size! Make sure you get him a small glass for that!"
He gave her look, "Ha ha...very funny. You know I can handle way more than any of you here." he replied as he looked up at her.
"Oh is that a fact?"
" A definite one."
"No clue what that word means but I'll take that as a yes. Tell you what, how bout we have a little wager. You and me drink as much as possible. First one to fall over drunk, loses!"
"Okay...but what exactly are we bettnig here?" he said as they got their drinks.
"If I win, you give me everything you have in your pockets!" she snickered as she looked at him.
"What?! No way! You've taken a lot as it is!" he replied as he looks up at her.
"Awww~ Scared you'll lose?" she said with a smirk.
"Nah, cause knowing you, you'll manage some way to cheat and win!" he replied as he drank his drink.
"What? Cheat? Me?" she said as she placed her hand over her chest, "I've never been so wounded in all my life!"
"Uh huh." he said as he took a sip of his beer.
"Tell ya what...you beat me," Odessa said as she looked to him, "And I'll kiss ya."
Anthony choked on his drink as she said that, blushing hard as he looked up at her, "W-what?"
"Oh you liked that didn't you~" she teased with a smirk.
"Like hell I did, it's just a stupid thing to bet." He replied as he looked away.
"So is that a noooo~" she said with a smirk as he grumbled, "It's going in 3, 2-"
"Fine!" he grumbled as he looked up at her, "I'll take the stupid bet..."
She blushed slightly but smirked, "Alrighty then. Prepare to hand over all the cash you have in those pockets of yours!" she snickered, "In 3, 2, 1..."

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