A Junker Valentine

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"Okay...think that might be the last piece it needs." Anthony said with a bright smile as he looked down at the gift he had been working on for Odessa, dusting his hands off as he looked over beautiful guitar he had been working on.
As he looked it over he could hear a loud whistle as Bruce looked over his shoulder, "Damn mate, you sure you got enough jewels on that bad boy?"
"Callate..." Anthony said with a chuckle, "I don't need you second guessing my gift for the love of my life." he said as he picked it up, carrying it over to a case carefully placing the guitar down.
"Just saying mate." Bruce laughed as he took a bite of some meat he had, "So what else ya got for her."
"Well my curious amigo, I got a plan that I've been brewing over for the past few weeks." he replied as he picked up the case carrying it over to a metal lunch box he had.
"What's in that?"
"What kinda food?"
"Why do you need to know?" Anthony asked as he looked up at his friend.
"You can't have some."
"Aw come on! You ain't gonna leave your best friend outta the goods are ya?" Bruce whined.
"I fed you enough when I was living on my own!" Anthony laughed as he walked to his closet starting to pull out a change of clothing, getting into something more comfortable.

"That don't mean ya can just go and cut me off entirely." Bruce replied as he sat down with a heavy thud on one of the chairs in the room.
Anthony walked back out in one of the shirts Odessa gave him, a black shirt with a skull and crossbones, "You're right. That would be mean. Which is why." he said as he picked up a small box tossing it to Bruce.

He frantically ripped it up as he looked in, "Oh mate! Ya bloody legend you!" he laughed as he pulled out a taco, "TAcos!"
"¡Ay por el amor de! ¡Es imposible que hayas dicho lo que creo que acabas de decir, hijo de puta!" Anthony shouted as he turned to him.
"What? What did I do?" Bruce asked stopping mid bite.

"I'm sorry, there's no way I just heard you say tAcos!" Anthony growled as he looked at it, "Say it right before I take it away!"
"Oh...sorry...thanks for the tacos?" he said with a questioning tone as Anthony shot him a look.

He sighed before patting his shoulder, "It's no problem. Enjoy it please. I ain't making you anymore."

"I gotcha mate." Bruce laughed as he took a bite, squealing with a loud happy groan as he kicked his legs, "Oh mate! I don't know how you make something like vegetables taste so good!"
"It's called cooking amigo. You gotta learn how to make everything taste good or you'll never be healthy!" Anthony laughed as he put on his sleeveless hoodie before throwing the strap of the case with Odessa's gift on his back, "Alright. I gotta go. Make sure you don't break anything please!"

"It was one time mate!" Bruce said with a muffled voice as he kept eating.
"That's what you keep telling me." Anthony chuckled as he waved to his friend as he walked out of his apartment, looking both ways before heading off down the road towards the castle with a huge smile on his face.

As he walked down the road he could feel something different, something unusual for the massive town he'd gotten so use to being in. Seeing people spending time together with one another as they walked through the streets, or handed each other gifts. A soft smile crossed his face as he started to run down the street, now more eager to get to the castle gates. He spotted the huge doors to the castle as he ran up with a huge smile tossing up two bottles of booze to the guards.
"Hey guys! The queen in?" he asked with a smile as one nodded his head.
"Yeah throne room last we heard." he said as they started to open the doors for him.
"Great! Thanks guys! Happy Valentines Day!" he said before he ran in through the space in the door as he made his way to the throne room, tripping slightly as he stumbled through the doors yelping out as he landed with a thud.

He groaned as he got up, looking up to see a group of people turn to look at him. All in positions like they were in the middle of a huge argument. He cleared his throat as he walked up calmly pushing through them.
"Excuse me...gracias...oh hey Steve how's the wife...pardon me..." he said as he made his way through them before he stood near the table across from Odessa who looked a little surprise before her face softened as she looked at him.

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