The Queen's Attention

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Anthony sat up in a panic as he panted, looking around as he held his head. His eyes quickly looking around for any sign of the face he saw. He was greeted however with the sight of a dark room. It was late, or at least he thought it was from how the dark everything was. He could hear a faint heart rate monitor beeping as he looked to his right, spotting one sitting right next to the edge of the be. Keeping up a steady pace, a good sign he'd come to learn from all those medical classes he took. Though any idiot with common sense could tell you that without learning. He sat up slowly, groaning loudly as his muscles ached. It felt like he'd been hit with a truck or maybe by Reinhardt. Either way it wasn't a good pain but at least it was familiar. He looked out the huge empty window at the glowing lights of Junkertown, some relief filling him as he knew he wasn't in any immediate danger. Unless he decided to visit a bar or walk down an alley.

He threw his feet over the edge of the bed, groaning a bit louder as he slowly came to his feet as the heart rate monitor started to really beep faster. He could hear the sound of whispering coming from out side the door, hearing a debate going on as he leaned on the old monitor for some support. Slowly making his way to the doors before he opened them up as he could see the surprised and shocked expressions the two massive guards had. Their wide eyes peeking through the skulls they wore.

"Outsider! Y-You're awake!"
"Yeah I'm awake..." he groaned as he stood up straight, fighting the urge to hunch over to ease his pain, "Where...where the hell am I?" he asked as he held up his hand to the lights.

"You're in the queens quarters mate!" the other spoke up.
"Her quarters?" Anthony asked as he looked back in, realzing it was Odessa's room, "Oh...guess it is. Where is she?"
"Why should we tell you? You're supposed to be in bed knocked out!" one of the guards said as Anthony sighed.

"Yes I'm supposed to be knocked out, but I'm awake now and would really like to know where my girlfriend is."

"Well we're under strict orders mate to not let anyone in or out!" one shouted.
"Yeah! So you better get back in there or else!"
"Yeah or else we'll knock you out again!"
"Yeah!" they shouted in unison as Anthony looked up at them with a raised brow.

"Estoy rodeado de idiotas... está bien, intentémoslo de esta manera..." he said to himself before he reached over grabbing one of the guards wrist twisting it hard as the man cried out, "where is Odessa..."
"Agh! You bloody wank-AH!!!!" he shouted out in pain as Anthony twisted harder.

"Hey let him-" the other guard started as he put a hand on Anthony's shoulder before he grabbed it and did the same making both men drop to their knees.
"I'm a field medic remember? I know how your body is supposed to work. Which means I also know how it isn' if you want to keep your wrist in tact start talking." He said a bit more serious.
"S-she's in the throne room!" One of them cried out.
"What is she doing there?"
"S-she's punishing the traitors they brought back...that's all we know! Swears!"
He sighed as he let them go holding his side, " was that so hard..." he replied as he started down the hallway.

As he walked down the hallway towards her throne room he could hear the sounds of screaming and begging before silence. The process repeating several times along with the sounds of Odessa's roars of anger. Anthony looked a little worried as he started to pick up the pace a little, ignoring his sore muscles as he pushed against the wall for support until he finally reached the side entrance to her throne. His eyes widened as Odessa raised her axe up before bringing it down on one of the men knelt before her, slicing his head clean off as she panted. Covered in the blood of the dead.
"You see!! This is what happens when you betray your queen! A cowards act gets a cowards death!" she shouted as she raised her axe up as the crowd around her cheered.
"Dessa..." Anthony groaned as he tried to get closer to her before a huge metal ball rolled up to him, transforming as Hammond squeaked at him.
"The hamster says, "Stay back Primate."' the metal ball squeaked at him.
"I don't have time for this...please Wreckingball." he said tiredly as he tried to get behind him.
The ball quickly moved to block him each time as Hammond squeaked with laughter, "The hamster says, "To slow primate. Return to the room."

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