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"Dutch,think!" Arthur used about as much voice as the poor man had left. Dutch had gone mad, Everyone saw it, some sooner than others.

Everyone had left the camp, Alice stayed.
Since John had died. Why who else would she go to. All because of Dutch and Micah's stupid plan Her husband had died. Well that's What she had been told,
"Dutch! Be practical now." Micahs Squeaky voice spoke, gripping onto his revolver as he pointed it at the sick man,
"Dutch goddamn think!" Alice yelled at the so called "Leader".
"You call yourself the damn leader! The leader of what. There is no one left. Because of that rat!" Alice pointed to Micah. Micah cared about nobody but himself, everyone saw that except from Dutch.

Javier and Bill had their rifles pointed a few metres from Arthur's head.

"Oh shut up." Micah's voice chuckled.
"Dutch cmon brother! I led you out of the darkness! When nobody else cared!" Micah manipulated the mad man.

"Jesus. Dutch.. Cmon. You can tell the man's lyin'!" Arthur near enough choked on his own blood, Alice stood by his side. God knows what could've happened if she wouldn't interfere.
"Dutch, please I'm beggin' ya! For the sake of me! For the sake of Annabelle! For the sake of John...My,John." Alice's head dropped slowly, even mentioning his name made her eyes water,
"Tch! Dutch she's tryna make guilt trip yer'!" Micah shrugged the poor woman off.

"Dutch..." Arthur coughed, "I ain't gonna beg ya'. Either him? The man who's caused us nothin' but trouble. Or me. The man who stuck by your goddamn side! Even when you murdered innocent, goddamn people!" Arthur's voice deepened, he tried to shout. But he was near enough gone.
Oh Arthur. She thought, what a kind man he tried to be in the end.

"Dutch for Christ sake! The man is near enough gone and your not even willing to spend your last damn moments with him!" Alice's blood boiled, Dutch had seriously gone insane. Hosea was the one keeping this goddamn camp sane.

"Your fuckin' pathetic Alice! Usin' poor little Arthur's sickness against us!"

"Us? Micah. He's standin' there goddamn clueless ya' dumbass!" Alice pointed to the Oblivious "Leader."

"And you called yourself our goddamn leader." Arthur clenched his jaw in anger.

"Javier! Do somethin' please!" Alice turned her head to the Spanish outlaw, She could trust him. Aside from John and Arthur of course.
Javier glared at the ground, his silence indicating the answer.
"Oh for-Bill! Please." Her eyes full of tears she begged the bearded man.
"Fuck you all! Pointing your pathetic fuckin' guns at a widow and a poor sick man! You left my husband for Christ fuckin' sake!." Alice wailed, "he can't be dead! He's John Marston!...He can't..."

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