[2] Arrival

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Callista's POV

"Your Royal Majesty, Your Grace, Lady, we will be arriving to the main palace soon." I heard Sir Reit speak from outside the carriage.

"Many thanks, Sir Reit." I responded, nodding to my two ladies-in-waiting as the three of us shifted in out seats, ready to exit the carriage. The ride had been long, and I could tell that the two of them were tired, as I was sure my two knights also were.

Soon, the carriage came to a halt. There was silence, and then a voice announced my arrival.

"Welcoming Her Royal Majesty, King Callista Vara Cordelia, and her delegation!" At this, Lady Rue opened the carriage door, offering a hand first to Viscountess Varya to assist her in exiting the carriage. Sir Reit then offered a hand to Duchess Rhea, and finally, the two knights both extended a hand to aid me in stepping out. My dress danced slightly with the breeze, and I admired the azure sky once my feet planted themselves upon the pavement.

I hummed in approval of the good weather. A slight breeze, and no clouds. A good omen. Looking at my dress once more, I made sure everything was in order. A simple dress it was, but I adored it nonetheless.

[See above for dress]

My knights held my hands, one on either side of me. My ladies-in-waiting were not far behind us. As I ascended the steps leading to the Emperor and Empress, I studied their faces.

Navier held little emotion in her face, but her eyes reflected hurt, as well as hope. She was in pain, but happy to see me.

Sovieshu seemed anxious. It was likely he feared my potential wrath as Navier was my closest friend and his introduction of a mistress hurt her. He seemed unsure, though. He likely had doubts that I knew about the mistress.

I decided to feign ignorance for the time being. Finally reaching the top of the steps, I bowed slightly, then as I spoke, I took my hands from my knights and slowly waved my right in a motion that resembled an Ouroboros, an infinity symbol. It signified the boundless love and power offered to the Eastern Empire from my nation.

"Greetings to His Imperial Majesty the Emperor and Her Imperial Majesty the Empress. I hope that you are well." I smiled, though it was more genuine towards Navier than Soveishu.

The two rulers repeated the motion. "We welcome you to the Eastern Empire, Your Royal Majesty, King Cordelia." They spoke in unison. A servant arrived to show my delegation and I to our chambers. On my way into the palace, Navier requested that we meet tomorrow. I agreed.

Once I was settled, I asked Lady Rue to accompany me for a walk in the garden of the Southern Palace.

Such a beautiful day should not be wasted, after all.

After a while of roaming about in the garden, my feet began aching. Lady Rue ushered me towards a nearby marble bench. Not far from it stood a fountain, the peaceful sounds of the running water soothed my mind as I basked in the warmth of the sun. Lady Rue stood behind me, distant enough to not feel awkward, but close enough to act should anything happen.

"Hey!" A higher and unfamiliar voice called in the distance.

How peculiar. And not to mention, rude. Whoever this woman was, she either lacked basic etiquette or completely disregarded it. I chose not to acknowledge the rude woman for now, allowing for her to correct her mistake.

"Hey! I'm Rashta!" Before I could do much else, a hand waved in front of me. I looked up at the person, dark eyes meeting my cerulean ones. Her eyes held innocence, but also desperation, and a hint of malice. Lady Rue noticed the hint of malice and immediately positioned herself to protect me from the girl. I gestured discreetly for her to stand down. This girl was no threat to me, malice or not.

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