" Thats a load of bull Sh- "

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The blue haired she had sat at a table in the local Bar not that she was a drinker she just liked the people and the interesting conversations the locals would get into.

"Have you heard about the Gato that faced against a giant in the town not to far from here?" One of the men spoke to the bar tender as our main character took a drink of her fizzy soda sketching in her journal "si they call him puss in boots he's a legend!" Another spoke,

The storm outside growing stronger as the night started to set in, the loud thunder startling most as a cloaked figure suddenly appeared in the door way catching Her offgaurd "creepy-.." She whispered as the shadowed figure walked towards one of the men who were shaken, hesitantly the man looked around to the figure behind crimson eyes staring at him as he whistled a eerie tone causing everyones attention to focus on the two.

"Please please-" the man suddenly went Down on his knees begging the large shadowed out silhouette didn't speak not a word just silence with the sound of thunder in the background as it started to rain heavier not wanting any trouble the blue hair she slowly put her journal in her saddle bag. The figures whistle stopping as he brought out a blade from under his cloak and then,


the man suddenly coughed up blood as he fell to the ground as his throat had been slit faster then lightning could strike as everyone stared in horror the cloaked figure walked away whistling eerie once again, the room now silent as he left another sound of thunder filled the room as the blue haired girl stood up and chased after the attacker "Wait!-" she huffed as she saw the hooded figure stop she brought out her Axe and aimmed it at him "You can't just- you!" She huffed again as she steadied her breathing damn she needed more exercise.

The figure turned around showing off his bright crimson eyes that lit up darkness of the night still not saying a word "well today's not your lucky day I'm looking for a bounty and seems that i've found one" she spoke as she aimmed the blade at the red eyed attacker before she could blink he tossed the weapon out of her hand with his bladed sickle as he brought his hood down and chuckled,

She noticed that this wasn't just any normal attacker this was a wolf but was much much larger almost tripling her size as he loomed over her his crimson eyes staring daggers at her icey blue ones. " well well," he spoke a cockiness filled his tone "this small human girl, inexperienced at compact thinks she can defeat me" he spat in a smug tone as he slowly circled the she "and who do you think you are young bounty hunter?" He stopped behind her as she turned around to face him "i- well I mean your not wrong but I'm still offended-" she started as his ears perked up and a smirk formed on his face. " I'm Luna and your in trouble" she smiled as she went to attack which of course he dodged.

She looked surprised as she turned around and swiped at him again he dodged again "Slow-" he smiled as she swiped again "Sloppy-" his smug tone somehow getting smuger she gripped her axes handle tight as she attempted a third attack to which he tripped her to her surprise "Sad" he laughed as she pushed herself up.

He turned around thinking he tormented her enough but as he went to walk away, she grabbed his tail "Got ya!" She smirked but quickly regretted her choice as she was slammed against the wall almost knocking her out he had flung her across clearly underestimated the strength he had.

She rubbed her head as a droplets of blood dripped down her cheek he picked her up by the collar of her shirt "that, was a foolish choice" he growled fear slowly overcoming her as he sniffed who even does that?,

His deadly snarl turning into a smirk "ah, I just love the smell of fear" he growled as he brought the blade of his sickle up to her neck "me scared? Pffft your dreamin" Luna nervously laughed as she tried to push him off. "Who do you think you are?" She spat trying to seem unbothered by the current situation.

~ The lies behind his eyes ~ Oc x deathWhere stories live. Discover now