Dinner at the Zoldyck Estate

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☆Smut Chapter☆

Silva walks over to Killua's door, giving a gentle knock and waiting for a response before entering. "Killua, I would like to speak with you about something," Silva said in a firm but soft tone. "Hm?" Killua asked, a little concerned and slightly worried.

"When you were off shopping with Alluka, your mother kept bugging me to dig through your phone. Just so she could stop asking I did." That sentence had brought ultimate fear to Killua. Crap. He definitely knows about Gon then.. he thought to himself. "Following that, we would think it'd be nice if you invited your boyfriend to dinner tonight. You know, allow us to formally get to know him and see if he's.. a good match.. I suppose," Silva stated.

Killua gulped. He didn't exactly like the idea of Gon being at the mansion.. Who knows what stunts anyone would try pulling. Though, if getting to know Gon was all they wanted, Killua didn't mind all too much. "Uhm, yeah I guess I'll ask. But I swear if any of you guys pull crap I'm leaving permanently." The boy stated with a straight face. Silva nodded and walked off, closing the bedroom door. Killua sighed as he grabbed his phone and started texting Gon.

Kil: Yo uhm.. My dad just invited you to dinner? Apparently he went through my phone and knows we're dating..
Gon: Oh- Well I'd love to come over for dinner, that is, if you're the feast 😉
Kil: Omg.
Gon: ❤
Killua chuckled as he set his phone down and went to his closet. Since it's just Gon visiting, Killua figured he could just stick to a simple and casual outfit. But then again, his parents would probably want him dressed in something formal and crap.

With that, Killua chose a simple black button up shirt and a pair of jeans, making the outfit mixed between casual and formal. That way he wouldn't have to go over the top. And with his clothes set aside Killua glanced in the mirror that hung in his closet, noticing his hair was an absolute mess. "Might as well take a shower," He mumbled to himself. And with that Killua entered the bathroom connected to his room, getting the hot shower started.

-Time skip♡

About a few hours had passed, the dining table was set and the whole family was awaiting in the living room for Gon's arrival. Killua was kind of nervous, but Alluka helped keep him calm. Gon better know not to try any dirty jokes during dinner.. Killua thought to himself as he thought of all the possible wrong outcomes of this dinner. Neither Silva nor Kikyo knew Killua was what they call a "bottom".

They probably just assumed that with Killua's stubborn attitude and jokingly rude personality that he'd be the top. Maybe back in the olden days, when Gon was still an innocent sweet child. But they're both 17 now, and a lot has changed. The moment Killua heard faint footsteps from outdoors he got up immediately and went rushing towards the door.

Gon grinned as he examined Killua, and for a greeting he ruffled the boy's hair. Killua smiled and walked Gon into the house, taking a deep breath as they entered the living room, only for it to be empty. They must've fled to the dining room. Killua thought as he gripped Gon's hand and led the way. He took yet another deep breath as he heard quiet chatter from the dining room, which soon took a pause as Gon and Killua entered the room.

Killua's heart was thudding intensely as he and Gon walked more into the room. "Uhm.. Everyone, this is my boyfriend Gon," Killua said nervously. He didn't realize he was practically squeezing Gon's hand so hard until Gon calmly rubbed his other hand against Killua's intensely gripped hand. "It's nice to meet you guys officially," Gon greeted the group.

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