Beg For It

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Ty to therealkillu2 for our rather interesting dms being the inspiration of this :3


It was another annoyingly hot day of summer, the heat enough to have anyone in a foul mood. But, like always, Gon was walking around the dorm with a little smile on his face. Seeing that dumb little carefree smile on the man's face made Killua want to scowl.

But of course, the moment Gon looks over to Killua, sweaty as hell and "dying" as he might claim, Killua doesn't know what to think. Sure, the smile is cute. But he also wants to punch him for always being happy.

Gon approaches the couch, where his sexy little twi- where his boyfriend, Killua sat, and upon noticing all the extra space beside him on the couch, Gon just doesn't seem to care about it. Instead, he takes this opportunity to plop face-flat into Killua's thighs.

Killua groaned the moment Gon plopped onto him, because this man is so FUCKING fat--  He means...  because hes so big and muscular...  "Ugh, get off of meeee! It's too hot, and you produce way too much body heat!" Killua whines, giving Gon a slap on the back of the head.

Gon dramatically whines in return, rubbing his head as he lifts it up and looking at Killua like a puppy begging for food, a little grin on his face. "But I'm not on you... I'm on my pillow," Gon hums, teasing Killua by giving his thighs a little squeeze.

That earns a little squeak out of Killua, his face flushing to a slightly pink shade as he glares down at Gon. "Shut up and just get off, already..." the boy mutters, but of course he can't escape when Gon notices him blushing.

"Oh?" Gon immediately says, sitting up a little but not getting off of Killua quite yet. He leans in close to Killua's face, those hands still on the man's perfect thighs. "You're blushing."

Killua looks away, tempted to slap his boyfriend if it meant getting him out of his face. Instead, he settles for a simple shove, pushing Gon off of him as he mutters "No I'm not. Get off, damn..."

This just elicits more dramatic little whines from Gon when Killua decides to heartlessly push him away, a little glare on his face. This bit-

"Why are you so grumpy?" Gon decides to ask with his head tilted ever so slightly, inching a little closer to Killua's face. Killua's eyes flicker to Gon's for only a second before he's looking away again.

"I'm not grumpy."

Yeah, right. Gon knew his boyfriend better than that. So, he playfully complains, moving his face into Killua's own so the man can't look away.

"Then why won't you give me attention?" Gon asks, a little pouting coming off in his voice, which just makes Killua's roll his eyes and let out a heavy sigh of defeat before he pulls Gon into a hug. "God, you're so annoying," he murmurs.

Gon just grins at that, wrapping his arm around Killua's waist and pulling him close before he can even object. "Mhm, sure I am. You know you love me," Gon hums as he leans into Killua, nuzzling his nose into the crook of the mans neck, which of course, just makes the other more flushed.

"Mmhn... Maybe," Killua murmurs in response, hugging Gon a little tighter as he sighs. Gon just chuckles, noticing the way Killua's arms seem to tighten around him, giving him a chance to tease Killua.

"You're very contradicting," Gon starts, because really, the boy was like a cat; Avoiding attention like it was a plague, but once recieving it never letting go. The thought made Gon laugh a little to himself, and out of the blue he starts kissing against the others' neck as he continues. "I also think that maybe should be a definitely."

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