54. Day 6- Love's Ire-III

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Hiiii my lovely readers... I apologise for a really long break but got busy with many things. I appreciate your patience and am thankful for the love you have sent me through your comments and messages. I will try to update whenever possible and ASAP.

Gangaputra rushed to the place near the bank of Ganga, as if his life depended on it.

And what he saw made him frozen. He come down from his horse and shouted in a loud voice.

Vrushchak! I'm going to kill you.

One moment Vrushchak was on the top of Shikha and another moment he felt Gangaputra Bheeshma grabbing him from neck and throwing him on ground.

Gangaputra Bheeshma had never experienced complete rage like this before, this blinding hot emotion that raced like fire in his veins.

When he saw Vrushchak leaning above Shikha, he lost all his control and temper.

Gangaputra was punching him madly. And when he was to punch him a last death blow, he heard Shikha's faint whisper saying no.

He looked at her. Her eyes looked lost.

She had somehow come back to her feet. But after a moment, with so much effort, she streched her hand to him. Gangaputra rushed to her and hugged her tightly. And then she sobbed and whispered in a muffled voice, 'you came'.

God! What had happened to her.

'Yes I came. God! I'm so sorry, I misplaced your letter but I'm here! I'm here! It's okay. Everything is fine.' Gangaputra was speaking to her to calm her but inside he was breaking down seeing her like this.

Shikha felt dizzy but his solid arms were there to hold her, protect her. She closed her eyes. He kissed the top of her head.

Gangaputra wanted to scream in agony but asked hoarsely in a loving voice.

Gangaputra - What happened love? Are you alright? Did he hurt you?

She tried to tell him what happened in broken voice. No..  Vrushchak... Dart ... Poison... Said 'you will die'.

He understood the part that she had been poisoned by tribal dart.

When Gangaputra felt that she was zoning out, he lifted her in his arms. And shook her slightly.

Gangaputra - "Don't fell asleep, Shikha. Don't fell asleep."

He couldn't let her sleep because at some times when a person has been poisoned like that, sleep led to death.

Gangaputra - "Stay with me, Shikha. I'm here. God! I'm here with you. Don't close your eyes. Look at me. Just look at me."

He sprinkled some water of the river Ganga on her face. She opened her eyes.

He lifted both of them on his horse and they ran with the speed of thunder.

Shikha tried to keep her eyes opened but the feeling that she will not make it made her cry. She needs to tell him before it's too late.

Gangaputra- Some more moments. We have reached the palace.

He lifted her in his arms again and took her from the back hidden door as he didn't want any commotion in the palace. She needed to be treated outright.
With her last trace of energy, she blurted out.

'Gangaputra... Amba. I'm Amba.'

Gangaputra's whole body went cold and rigid. He froze in his place and looked at her. Darkness surrounded her and then she fainted.

He took a strangled breath and hurriedly took her to his chamber.

After putting her in his bed, Gangaputra hastily summoned the rajvaidya by his Messenger telling him about the tribal dart so that he may treat Shikha immediately.

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