The End?

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Just a warning that I haven't edited this properly because of my finals and also I'm sick lol.

But anyway I had my math final today and I think I did good!

Let me know how yours went if you had them :) 


Wednesday went back to Nevermore, after the vision, and plotted, gathered, and schemed. She felt betrayed but more than that...anger, how could she trust him?  She barely got any sleep.

Then it was time to execute. She made Thing give Tyler a note, it said to meet her at the Crypt at exactly 12:00 a.m.


Tyler arrived 5 minutes early, knowing with Wednesday it was better to be early than late. The area was full of fog creating an even more eerie feel.

Tyler was looking around to see if Wednesday was anywhere to be found. Wednesday had arrived sooner than Tyler of course. 

Tyler immediately smiled when he saw her, "Thing gave me your note," Tyler said holding up the note, "I didn't think you wanted to speak to me again after you ran out of Weathervane yesterday...Is this a date?" Tyler asked confused.

Wednesday who hadn't talked at all, anger still filling her, said "It's a surprise," in the most dead voice she can conjure, she didn't have to try very hard.

Tyler smiled again and stepped closer to her. Wednesday eyed him, getting deja vu, and then slid out of his way. "When I arried at Nevermore, romance was the last thing on my mind. Then when you kissed me, you opened my eyes and I realized something.." Tyler became more nervous and locked his eyes on her. "Xavier warned me about you, twice."

"Pretty ironic isn't it?" Tyler scoffed.

"Ironic would be framing Xavier as the Hyde, while the real Hyde helped me put him away." Wednesday said, still dead as ever with a glint of betray in her voice.

Tyler's stomach dropped, she knew, he couldn't say anything for a while. He had to say something however, "Wednesday, you're not being serious are you?" lie.

"Kinbott discovered your secret in one of your sessions....Why did you kill her? I though Hydes were typically loyal to their master?" Wednesday asked. "On Outreach day I confided in you and asked you about the old meeting house, did Kinbott send you to spy on me? Then at the Rave'n, you overheard me and Eugene talking about your cave in the woods, and when he went to explore it you tried to kill him by informing Kinbott, he probably saw her torching it and then sent you to clean up her mess."

"I..." Tyler said, still speechless.

"I have to say I was impressed by your masterstroke of misdirection that day at the Gates' mansion. Wounding yourself...very clever."

His stomach dropped even more, he wanted to confess, just couldn't. "Wednesday, if you thought I was the Hyde then why would you invite me here, in the middle of the night, in the middle of nowhere?"

"Who said I'm alone?" Wednesday asked, just then the Nightshades showed up and surrounded him.

"Wednesday this is...I'm out of here," Tyler said, trying to get out of there.

"No you aren't, you're coming with us," Bianca said, her amulet was off and suddenly Tyler was listening to their command.


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