~ Chapter Eighteen ~

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Ashley's POV

Today is the day of the Crowning Ceremony. I'm sure the entire kingdom has heard of Marí's health. They aren't sure when she will pass. I hope it isn't soon..

I stood next to my mother and a few of my older brothers. Our side of the family was stationed to the left, while Rowan's side was on the right. Alex looked down at his pocket watch.

"Two more minutes." He whispered, not wanting to draw attention to us. He's always a little iffy about time. Just like father, who couldn't be here because of a construction project he and his crew were working on. They're fixing an old bridge that's been out of use for so long, it collapsed.

Suddenly, the curtains opened to reveal a servant standing next to the throne, holding a case with a clear top. Inside the case was the crown, which is to belong to Ace. It was originally for Adeline, who sadly was not able to have a Crowning Ceremony.

Seconds later, the princess herself walked up towards the servant, who appeared to be taller than her, in a traditional black gown. Ace stood there silently, staring at the big crowd. She looked around, scanning the many faces in the room. Then, she appeared worried when she saw Marí.

I gave her a small nod and a smile to reassure her that everything was fine. She nodded back and turned to see the other side of the large room. I saw Miss Katelynn smiling at her. Ace gave Sophie a small wave, who was apparently asked to be taking pictures of the event.

As the camera flashed with a click, I noticed Carmen standing far off to the back, looking out through the room as if he was looking for a certain person. His expression darkened when he seemingly did find the face he was searching for. I looked around to see who it was. Cynthia. The only evil one of mother's many siblings. This awful woman saw Adeline as a disgrace just for marrying someone who wasn't French, and she hates Ace because of it.

I was brought back to reality by the sound of clapping and the clicking of camera shutters. My brother nudged me with his elbow, and I decided to clap as well, a little confused about what exactly was going on. I quickly looked back at Cynthia. She was frowning.

I turned my gaze back to Ace, who gave a quick curtsey. I turned to see my mother wiping away small tears as she smiled joyfully.

"Adeline would be so proud.." She said, sniffling a little.

"Yes.. Yes, she would." I spoke, imagining Aunt Adi's face if she were here. She would be smiling, and those sad eyes of hers would hold tears of joy. How sad it is that neither her or Rowan could be here to see this moment..

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