Part 9

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The same day

Rosalie's POV

I was saying I THINK it's a bad idea for this bag of blood to come to baseball but did anyone listen to me NO. Alice says the nomads won't be there it will be safe but of course they forget that her visions are not permanent. 

It was like Alex said  3 nomads heard us playing and they wanted to join in. All was well until den infernal wind blew and showed us that Isabella was human. Laurend warned us about James and Victoria and went to our cousins that is Denali. 

We began a defensive plan for the wonderful and precious Isabella. I can see her rejoicing in our attention but pretending to be frightened. Charlie is a wonderful man and a very good father and she said this to him. 

 When we got home I was furious '' I said it was a bad idea but did anyone listen to me NO because Alice knows better. Even Jasper and Emmett told you it was a bad idea but did any of you listen to them NO because WHAT A GOLDEN GIRL WANTS I GET THERE NO CONSIDERING THE CONSEQUENCES! And now we have a tracker on our backs through Edward and his Blood Whore. That is what they are for killing and nothing more. Isabella is nothing but food Edward the sooner you realise this the better'' I said furiously and Emmett hugged me to calm me down. 

I could see Isabella had tears in her eyes and was shaking a little and I was happy with that '' Rosalie is '' '' She is right Carlisle and don't try to say otherwise. Why should we risk our lives for her as she is nothing to us'' Emmett said seriously. 

I could see that this surprised them because Emmett is the first to fight '' I don't want to help either but we will give you an offer more information '' said Jasper but I knew by his voice that it was the Major. 

This put them at attention '' You know the rules of our world. The most important thing is for people not to know our secret is box one now James knows about her and you want our help to protect her is box two. It's totally your fault because we said it was a bad idea to bring Food into the game and were ignored. You have one more chance to keep your Animal in place because if they put up one action it's box three and you'll never get any more help from us for Isabella '' said the Major and I knew if they hit box three it would end badly for them. After talking for a while longer we were able to make a proper plan of action and got down to business.

Some time later

Of course Isabella must have disobeyed the plan and fell into a trap set by James and was bitten. Edward sucked the venom from the bite onto her hand so Isabella remained human. In doing so, he broke the rule vampires should leave the venom alone. 

She is still left with two options on Isabella kill her or be killed there is no third option. She ended up in hospital with a broken leg and was losing a large amount of blood. Unluckily for us, she is coming back to Forks with us. I had hoped she would stay with her mum but hope is the mother of fools.

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