Part 11

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A few weeks later

Alex's POV

The last few weeks of the holiday were quiet not counting Isabella's constant urging of the Cullens to change her. I don't know how we did it but we managed to hide the fact that I had been turned into a vampire. I met new shape-shifting wolves named Sam, Jared and Paul who I had known since I was a kid. 

They were angry that I had been changed against my will but they accepted what I was now. It helped them that I didn't smell like other vampires but like me and that I retained human qualities and they don't smell like wet dogs to me. 

I can come to the Reserve as long as I don't hunt and I'm with one of them all the time. This was the case in the beginning now I can move around La Push on my own with confidence. Most of my time is spent talking and cooking with Emily or patrolling the area with one of the guys. 

Presto that I don't sleep I have taken over the night patrols and go on them alone so the guys can rest and sleep. My patrol lasts from 0:00 to 6:00 at which point Sam changes me and he patrols for 6 hours by himself, Paul changes him and he patrols for 6 hours and finally Jared also patrols for 6 hours and I then wrap up the night. 

Sometimes I patrol longer by myself if the guys can't for some reason but I don't mind. I told them more about the rules in the vampire world and the situation with Isabella. I told them that if any vampire found out that Isabella knew and passed this on to their Kings she would be killed. 

Edward had broken one of the most important rules and Isabella would be killed or turned into a vampire. I told them about her behaviour and how she is not a daddy's child and I could tell the more I talked about her and showed them her behaviour the more they started to dislike her. 

We discovered that because my telekinesis is so strong I can share you memories with others. Isabella's 18th birthday is coming up and because of that I want to be turned into a vampire faster. She says I don't want to be older than Edward but that's silly. Edward is over 100 years old and she will only be 18 in a week. 

I know she is afraid of aging and when she has found a method to be eternally young she will do anything to get it. I know I have to keep my status a secret from her at all costs because she won't give me a break about it. 

I'm not sure what would happen if Carlisle, Esme Edward and Alice did. I suspect they would force me to join their coven and wouldn't give me peace until I agreed.

A week later

Jasper's POV

What the hell are we thinking more what the hell is Alice thinking to do for the Sack of Blood birthday party. I want nothing to do with it and I know Rose and Emmett feel the same way. It doesn't help that every time I'm around Isabella I feel Edward, Alice, Carlisle and Esme wanting blood. 

To me Isabella doesn't smell appetising more like rotten meat along with a month's worth of spoiled milk. I am an empath and I feel everyone's emotions and it seems that everyone forgets that the desire for blood is an emotion. 

I knew something would happen at this party and they would put all the blame on me. However, this could be the window for me along with Rose and Emmett to leave this stupid coven. We just have to wait when it happens and we get our ticket to freedom.

A few hours later

After Alice got me to use my power on Isabella she got into the phase of decorating the house. Everything is ready for this disaster and I don't know why there is such a big cake for one person. I don't know why we're even doing this I'd rather be with Alex right now and training her in martial arts. 

What a lot of people don't know Alex can fight very well and she gives me a challenge when we fight together. She knows how to quickly find her opponent's weak point but doesn't use it straight away preferring to use that point at the right moment. 

However, I'm moving away from the topic which is hell that is Isabella's birthday party. when Alice and Esme were doing the final touches to the decorations Edward showed Isabella the Volturi painting and talked about Kings. Not long after that Alice went to get them and Emmett decided to be Emmett 

'' Dating an older woman. Hot'' he said and I knew he had done it all to make Isabella feel bad. Since the incident with James I could see that Isabella was afraid of death and getting old so being with Edward equals not being mortal. 

Suddenly Alice pushed Isabella into Edward '' Show me the love'' she said taking a picture of Isabella with her camera. As long as I have known Alice she has never respected others privacy and always has to know everything. Slowly Alice handed Isabella the presents she had bought herself. 

Me, Emmett and Rose didn't buy her anything Alice did it for us. As Alice handed her the postcard with the tickets from Esme and Carlisle I could see the light bulb go on in her. As she opened the envelope she injured her finger and I could feel Edward's desire for blood I quickly threw myself backwards towards the exit and the idiot pushed her into the glass table. 

I didn't show any desire to attack Isabella so I don't know why he did that. The moment she hurt herself I was near the door so it wasn't my fault. After the situation calmed down Edward took Isabella home.

Little bit later

We were all sitting together in the living room where Esme and Alice were cleaning up the blood. They wanted us to help them but we said it was their fault and now they had to pay for it. They started to say it wasn't true and I could see Rose was starting to get fed up with it. 

Suddenly a GOLDEN BOY appeared in the living room '' We have to leave. It will be safe for Bella. It will give her a chance to have a normal life. Also people will start to notice that Carlisle is not getting seniority'' he said 

'' You mean you are getting out'' Emmett said seriously. They looked at him in surprise '' Why do we have to move out because of you. You made the mistake of letting Isabella into our lives. You gave her clues about us not me Jasper or Emmett. I can leave, but not with you. I will not listen to sermons for something that is not my fault or the boys fault. DON'T PUNISH HIM BECAUSE EDWARD IS A GOLDEN BOY AND WHAT HE WANTS I GET WITHOUT CONSIDERING WHAT THE CONSEQUENCES CAN BE '' said Rose and left the room with Emmett. 

I looked at them '' I agree with her one hundred percent. Edward didn't have to chew on her on the table. I immediately went towards the door I would not have attacked the Bloodbag. Unlike your Golden Boy I am in control '' I said and followed the two of them. I met them outside '' We need to pack up quickly and tell Alex we're leaving'' Emmett said and we headed to our rooms.

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