Part 27

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Five years later

Alex's POV

It's been a few years since we dealt with Cullens and Isabella, and I can say that our lives couldn't have been better. Let me tell you what has happened through the last few years. A year after Cullens and Isabella were killed Dad was changed and a year maybe two years later he found his mate. 

A young vampire named Eve and she had the power to control metal and dad has the power to manipulate sleep and can put his enemies to sleep. My career in painting has developed and Uncle Caius paints with me and I always go to him when I have problems with a painting. I have a strong bond with each of the kings and thought they would cry with happiness when I called Aro and Caius uncles and Marcus dad. 

So that Markus and Charlie don't get confused which one I call them I call Charlie : dad or daddy and Marcus : pops or padre. Daddy has risen to be my personal bodyguard and only leaves me alone when I am with Gabriel or when I visit the other Queens in their tower. 

Gabriel wanted to lock me in there but I didn't give in and gave him silent treatment. I didn't speak to him and ignored him for two weeks when he promised he would never try to lock me back in there. I looked at the beautiful ring on my hand.

To think that it has been four years since we got married and it was the most beautiful day of my life

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To think that it has been four years since we got married and it was the most beautiful day of my life. Suddenly I heard the sound of small soft footsteps approaching in my direction. I turned around just in time to grab the little monster that wanted to attack me. I immediately started tickling her 

'' Mama stop it'' laughed my three-year-old daughter. Yes me and Gabriel have a daughter and her name is Kiara Volturi and she is the apple of my eye. After a coin I stopped tickling her and looked at what she was wearing she was dressed in a costume that looked like a red and white monster. I looked at her with a smile 

'' You look scary darling,'' I said pretending to be afraid ''I am a scary monster,'' she said and started making different growls. I put her on her feet and she ran confidently to scare another person. 

Everyone in the castle loves this little princess and she has everyone wrapped around her little finger. The most is Aro, Caius, Markus, Gabriel and Daddy and she knows very well how to use this to her advantage. I felt someone hugging me from behind and I immediately knew who it was by the smell 

'' Good morning dal you too'' I said and kissed him on the cheek. He quickly turned me around and kissed me passionately and hard on the lips and of course I kissed back. After a few minutes we moved away from each other

 '' You don't know how I love you my Queen. I am glad to meet you'' he said with a beautiful smile 

'' I love you more my King and I am glad too'' I said with a smile.  When you would have told me 10 years ago that I would be turned into a vampire and be happily married with a beautiful child I would have laughed at you immediately. I was not diligent about getting married and having a family. And after that sent you to a psychiatrist because I would think you were crazy. 

As if anything I would be a single mother who doesn't need a man to stop her from fulfilling herself. Everyone knew about my plan and it only took me getting to know Rose, Em and Jazz for that to change. Speaking of the trinity they came to live with us and are part of the guard. Jazz met his mate named Mady and she has the power to control nature. 

I can say that despite the problems by the idiotic four, our lives have turned to the right path and I would not change anything more. I knew my life would be good because I have these wonderful vampires by my side and I know they will always have my back and I will have theirs. One thing I know for sure is that I would never change my life for another. I'm sure I can say the same about others. 

I hope that our quiet life will not change, but for now only I know that we will have a new family member. I'm sure everyone will be happy even Kiara. I know because she asked me when she will get a baby brother or sister. 

I'm glad my children are growing human at the rate of life and if they don't become immortal I will give them the choice whether they want it or not. I know that the rest of them think the same because I have talked to them about it and they share my opinion that the choice of children is the most important thing. 

If we take it away from them they can hate us forever and we would never want that. However, I am curious about what time has in store for us but time only knows and I am ready for any surprises.



I hope you enjoyed my book and liked the ending of it 

You've noticed that I don't do a wedding or honeymoon part in any of my books I'm not entirely sure I can write it well

I have a request for you if you want I can try to write it in a bonus part

However, there is a catch to this which is that you have to give the idea of where they will go on their honeymoon 

Once again I hope you enjoyed it all 

Soon I will publish my new book

See you in my next books

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