2 different problems

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3:12 am

Lynn's POV :

I was awoken by movement from the bed, I turned around and saw Dean shaking Char trying to wake her up

"Buddy, no no no don't wake her up" I mumbled rubbing my eyes getting up

"I can't sleep, I want char" Dean whisper whined, "I can help, want a cup of milk ?" I asked

Dean shook his head, "I want my sister" he replied, "well your sister needs to sleep, tell you what, how would you like for me to read you a story ?" I said getting up and sitting on the edge of the bed

"Lynn, do you like my sister ?" Dean asked tilting his head, "yes, yes I do" I answered him smiling,    "When she looks like that ?" Dean cringed looking at char

Char was having both of her arms above her head, some hair in her open mouth with a leg out of the blanket, softly snoring

I chuckled looking at Char, smiling softly, "especially when she looks like that, alright buddy, let's go to bed" I got up holding his hand leaving the room and closing the door behind us

I put Dean in bed and got him a glass of milk and put it on his nightstand, tucking him in, I went to his bookshelf and grabbed one and read it to him, I must have been really tired cause I fell asleep on the end of his bed as soon as he slept

Charlotte's POV:

I got up not finding Lynn next to me, I looked everywhere then found her sleeping next to Dean, I leaned against the doorframe smiling at them

"You know it's creepy staring at sleeping people" Lynn said her eyes still closed, I jumped then brushed it off "come on, I'm making breakfast" I said walking out of the room, I heard bed shuffling knowing that Lynn is coming

I grabbed a pan and three eggs, cracked them and started mixing them making scrambled eggs, as I was mixing I felt warm arms wrapping around my waist, Lynn laid her chin on my left shoulder

I sighed softly still scrambling starting to hum, Lynn still hugging me from behind, "Lynn can you grab Kiri cheese please, for the eggs" Lynn grunted upset about letting go and went to the fridge getting the cream cheese, she tried opening the lid but struggled (surprisingly)

I went to her tried taking the jar out of her hands but she pulled back and insisted on opening it, after multiple tries and a few grunts and frustrated groans  here and there she stopped looking at me who was smiling smugly at her and holding my hand out

She handed me the jar disappointed, I taped the jar from the bottom and the top then opened it easily looking at slightly jealous Lynn

I chuckled and went to grab some baby tomatoes (I don't know why a lot of people hate tomatoes, it's the most delicious thing ever) and started cutting them in half's since they're already too tiny and placed them on slices of bread, with the breakfast ready i went to wake Dean up and everyone ate quietly, peacefully quiet

*time skip to an hour before the date*

Lynn's POV :

Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit

If you can't already tell, I'm freaking out, it's my first date and my first date is with the literally the best person ever, I called a meeting in the living room for all my sisters since Lincoln is busy trying to impress a girl I don't know who has it worse, me or Lincoln

"What's with the fuss ?" "What's going on ?" "Another 2 hour meeting" everyone were mumbling loudly as they sat on the couch, I stood there tense looking at them, them looking at me, I took a deep breath and told them calmly

-DIVINE-              Female oc x Lynn loud jr      From the really loud  houseWhere stories live. Discover now