A new issue

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(I don't know how to write first dates so you can just make one up that ended well, also I found a way to bring my TikTok account back)

TW: sexual assault is in this chapter so if you don't like this type of content then you can leave and not read this chapter

Charlotte's POV:

Walking back to Lynn's house was calm and silence

As we approached the door step I saw a curly head girl already there knocking on the door, me and Lynn stood behind her to go in after her

As the door opened it revealed Lincoln in a diaper?

The curly head froze as she looked down at him, me and Lynn poking our heads from each sides staring at him confused while Lynn was trying to hold in her laughter

"I haven't seen you at school, so I wanted to give you your homework" she broke her frozen state and handing Lincoln his homework, "I gotta go" she turned around to leave almost bumping at me then squeezing through me and Lynn

"Wait! Don't leave! I'm only wearing this diaper because the doctor lanced my butt pimple" Lincoln called out only making it worse

Lynn turned to Lincoln smirking "smooth dude" she laughed out walking in

As we got in I noticed Luna grinning at us knowing that the date went well, while the others thought I just walked with her and they got on with their own business

Luna walked up to us and walked passed us as she ruffled Lynn's hair

"Hey !"

Step on me -the cardigans
Was playing on my earphones as I was walking home, hands in the pocket of the hoodie that Lynn gave me before I left since it was freezing

I stood in front of my house staring at it debating if I should go in or not, I grunted as I turned my heels over and walked away from the house

I walked to nowhere for the past 20 minutes but then stopped at a bench in the park and sat down collecting my thought and the recent events that happened

My thoughts were interrupted when someone sat next to me, I looked over and noticed that it was Theo, I chocked on my spit and turned my head away from him pretending as if I don't know him

"Did I do something ?" He asked slightly agitated

"no" I replied not wanting this conversation to continue

"Then why have you been dodging my calls these past two weeks ?" He mostly confronted than asked as he turned his whole body around to face me

I turned to look at him not knowing how to answer, he looked down at the hoodie and noticed that it said "loud" on it

He scoffed and turned his head away "its that loud girl isn't it ?" He looked at me straight in the eye

I had over mixed feelings and emotions come through; why does he care? what is he mad about? when did he start acting like this? and most Importantly, how did he find me

"What does it matter to you ?" I stood up a bit irritated of hit tone, "because she is no good for you, you deserve someone better, someone like me" he said stepping over me grabbing my arms trying to pull me in for a kiss

I moved my head to the left trying to push him off of me breathing heavily as I do so

When I finally managed to push him away, I stood five feet away from him in disbelief

"Asshole, you pervert !" I yelled walking over to him smacking him across the face

"I don't know how you found me, but this is to stop, you are not to see me, talk to me, or even think of me, if I see you one more time I will not hesitate to kick you in your balls" I threatened him my voice trembling lightly

I turned over fast walking away then when I left the park I started running, till I reached my house as I stopped in front of the door I noticed that i have been crying the whole way and wiped them away before wiggling my fingers and curling my toes breathing heavily

As I opened the door I dogged my mom trying to talk to me and went straight to my room locking the door behind me and throwing myself on the bed sighing deeply

I turned around to stare at the ceiling but then bent down under my bed to get a box that had some old photos of me and Lynn as kids and our old notes that we used to pass to each other during class, etc, but also the pack of cigarettes under it all

I told Lynn that I quit but I couldn't hold it anymore I grabbed the box and a lighter

I opened the window and climbed out and went up the roof, and put one to my lips inhaling it deeply then letting it out

I sighed as I turned around to look at the moon wondering if i should tell Lynn or not about what happened

Arthur's note:

Oh my god finally a chapter

I don't know why but I decided to make Theo the bad guy here, the is no knowing on what happens next chapter I just write what I think of the same moment the same time

Also I appreciate all your support, and leaving comments really gives me motivation to write , also I really like this chapter, I was too deep in it but I hope you liked it

Also a shoutout for a great friend of mine

I love you all and I mean it

See you next chapter

-DIVINE-              Female oc x Lynn loud jr      From the really loud  houseWhere stories live. Discover now