What's Our Evil Plan, Professor?

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Even in the small, isolated town of South Park, villainy still reigned throughout it. 

All caused by the trouble of three kids.

There was Butters, or also known as Professor Chaos in the superhero's world. He was cast out by his parents and friends.

Then there was Dougie, a kid that was ignored by society itself, became known as General Disarray. He was Chaos's partner-in-crime, except for the last—and newest—member of the team.

Brooklyn, a girl that dealt with sadness and agitation in her daily life. Deputy Catastrophe.

She was later accepted into the group after hearing the announcement that they were going to flood the world, which failed afterwards. But instead of going against them, it felt right to side with them.

As soon as she was welcomed to the team, she felt so much better knowing at least some people accepted her.


"Oh, heya Catastrophe!" A voice came from behind the girl. She was at their base, drawing.

"Hello, Chaos," she said, not even looking up. She could tell it was the Professor by his accent. "Do you need something?"

"Yeah, sorta. I wanted more tinfoil, but we were out, so I asked my dad. But he said 'no, buy your own tinfoil since you wasted ours' and then I said 'yeah but can't you just go to the store and get some' and then my dad said if I bothered him again, I would be grounded. So yeah, we can't finish—oh, hey, whatcha drawing?" Chaos looked over Catastrophe's shoulder.

It was of her, General Disarray, and Professor Chaos, all three standing happily near a school littered with dead bodies.

Professor Chaos flinched a bit. "Deputy, I know we're evil and stuff, but isn't that a little too far? Some of 'em are my friends!"

"Friends? Those horrible people aren't friends. They—they make fun of you for how you act and how stupid you are and stuff... doesn't that make you angry?" She narrowed her eyes.

"Yeah, but I can just ignore it..." he noticed how upset she grew. "Hey, wanna play with my minions?" 

"What'll that do?" 

"I dunno, they're kinda cute. Look at their little helmets! We should upgrade 'em to super mecha minions!" Chaos smiled.

Catastrophe sighed, but her face slowly grew into a smile. She was pretty awful at brushing and flossing her teeth, though, so she had dry blood in between her gums.

"Y'know, yeah. Let's just go and buy some more tinfoil, okay? It's our evil plan."

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