Taking It Over

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Brooklyn got dressed for another meeting with Chaos and Disarray, and it was a Sunday. 

She slid on her supervillain outfit, then walked downstairs.

"You dumb whore! You were cheating with him, huh?!" Her father's voice boomed from downstairs.

Her father and mother must've gotten into another argument. Sometimes she wrote down the number of times her parents argued each day; the average was usually five or six times.

"So what if I was? At least he loves me!" Her mother shot at him.

"Whatever. Ugly bitch," he spat back, and earned a slap to the face from her mother.

They fought more in the background as Brooklyn made herself an Eggo waffle. She sat down and ate it; alone, as usual.

I'd kill for this to end.



"So, fellow villains! What evil plans do we have so far?" General Disarray smirked, rubbing his hands together.

"Sit by the TV and eat," Catastrophe mumbled, drinking some of her coffee.

"Hey, uh, aren't you too young for that?" Chaos asked her, pointing to the coffee cup.

"Should I care?"

"Eh, whatever. We're villains anyway, so we can do whatever we want.

"Anyways, we need a plan to destroy the Coon Friends once and for all!" Chaos banged his hand down on the table they were sitting at, also Butters's dinner table.

"What's 'Coon Friends'? A club?" Catastrophe asked.

"Oh, I guess we never told her," Disarray spoke up. 

"The Coon Friends are a group of lame-o superheroes that stopped our evil plans a while ago."

"Yeah, they have The Coon, Human Kite, Mosquito, Captain Diabetes, and Super Craig—they're all menaces to us! That's why they gotta be destroyed." Chaos folded his arms.

"Oh. Well, I guess so," Catastrophe sat back. 

"What if we spread a... a virus?" She suggested.

Both boys turned their heads toward her. 

"What do you mean, Catastrophe?" Asked Chaos.

"A kind of unknown virus, like one with no cure," she said.

"Like AIDS?"

"No, we'd have to go through the trouble of finding a gay, and I'm not going through that," Catastrophe rolled her eyes. "I meant some sort of biohazard."

"What about the used needles in the doctors' offices?" Disarray suggested. "Those are biohazards, and who knows what could happen."

"Hey, that's actually a pretty good idea," Catastrophe nodded. "I got a doctor's appointment on Tuesday, which is in like two days."

"Then it's settled!" Chaos smiled. "Good—"

"BUTTERS!" Chaos's father screamed from the kitchen. "YOU DIDN'T DO THE DISHES!"

Chaos's face turned nervous. 

"S-sorry dad, I was bus—"


"Yes, sorry sir!" Chaos rushed into the kitchen.

Disarray went to help him, but Catastrophe stayed back. 

She walked out of the house with a blank stare. Why doesn't this make me happy anymore?

If I'm not happy, then what's my point?

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