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This part's more focused on Brooklyn, but hopefully you'll enjoy it either way.


Brooklyn woke up with an aching pain in her head. She grunted a bit as she sat up.

But she assumed it was nothing and just got out of bed.


Going to school for one day was hard enough for her, but going to school for five in a row was unbearable. 

It was a cruel place for Brooklyn, having only one friend that doesn't even sit with you at lunch or during class. 

She couldn't find other friends either, because they already have friends. 

Because of that, she was just in the background to everyone else with their interesting, action-filled lives.


It was lunch time.

Everyone got to sit with their friends, but Brooklyn sat alone as usual. Normally, she would be sad or angry about that, like every other day.

But this time, it was different. Her chest was empty. 

No sadness, no anger, just nothing.

She stared down at her lunch: a pack of fruit gummies, a bag of vanilla wafers, and some apple slices. 

Brooklyn started eating, keeping the same blank look on her face. Her glasses were fogged, but she barely made an effort to clean them.

"Oh, Brooky~!" A sugar-coated voice came from behind her.

She slowly turned to face the voice's source: a girl with curly blonde hair tied up in a pony tail and wearing a pink crop-top, glittery purple designer boots, and a short plaid skirt. 

Her nemesis, Roxy.

Roxy was a stereotypical "mean girl", with the signature blonde hair and large friend group, and as well as working at Raisins. She liked to mess with Brooklyn's head all because Brooklyn told on her for sticking gum under her shoe.

"You should be happy I came all the way over here. I wasted my time on you." She smirked.

Brooklyn ignored her and went back to eating.

"She eats like a little piggy! Isn't that why you're so pink and fat?" Roxy and her group laughed.

"Just leave me alone," Brooklyn said through pointed, gritted teeth.

One of the kids gasped. "It can speak?!" More laughter followed their words. "Woah!"

She took the insult. She was so numb to it that she didn't so much as flinch.

"See ya, Brooky!" Roxy kicked the underside of the lunch table's bench and left.

This time, Brooklyn felt pain.


"So, Brooklyn, what's bothering you?"

Mr. Mackey, the counselor, had been assigned to her shortly after her parents had noticed a few changes in Brooklyn's mood. 

"Nothing," she muttered. "It's nothing."

"M'kay, well, what your parents said was a little different. They said, uh, you've been locked in your room after school and that you just go to sleep all the time." He wrote on his clipboard.

"They shouldn't care. I—I'm just an embarrassment, okay?"

"Now, Brooklyn, this is a safe space. You won't be judged, m'kay?"

"Just—" she paused. "Oka—okay. Yes, Mr. Mackey."

"Good, we're making some progress."

Yeah, progress, she thought, looking at her feet.

You don't know me as well as you think you do.

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