Chapter 5

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I woke up to my dad waking me, "Kiddo, you are going to be late for school." I sighed and nodded, he walked out of my room, and I got out of bed. I grabbed a pair of black leggings and a loose blue t-shirt; I tossed them on and combed the curls from the braids out of my hair. I grabbed my bag and phone. I walked out to see dad at the door with his keys. We walked out to the car, and he drove me to school, Lainey and Aaron were standing at the door.

I walked over to them; she gave me a sad look. I shook my head and waited; I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders. I took a deep breath and gave Dallas the best fake smile I could. He gave me one back and we walked inside the school. He walked with Aaron to their lockers, while Lainey and I went to ours, "You okay girly?" I nod.

"Yep, never better." I lied and she knew that. I grabbed what I needed for class, the guys came back and walked us to class. Dallas gave me a kiss on the cheek, but I pulled away before he could linger any longer than he was.

It's all fake.

I nodded to myself as I took my seat, Mr. Jones smiled at me. I gave a smile back as I waited for class to start. 


I walked into the cafeteria and walked over to Lainey and Aaron. They both smiled at me as I sat down, Dallas came in a little bit later. He sat next to me and wrapped an arm around my waist, he let his hand on my hip in the same possessive manner he did at the party. I moved his hand; he doesn't get to do that. I don't want him to do that if it's not real.

He looked over at me and frowned, "Trouble in paradise?" I heard a sickening voice come from behind me, I let out a huff and turned around to see Brianna standing there. I glared.

"Just because I choose not to be sucking faces with the guy doesn't mean there is trouble in paradise thank you very much. Now if you don't mind, I would like to eat my lunch chemical free." She gave me a confused look. "Your makeup dipshit." She glared and went to reach for me, but I smirked and gave her a little wave when Dallas stood up and looked at her.

She glared and walked away, I sat back down and so did Dallas. We continued to eat, and he left his hand on my thigh to keep people from asking questions. Lainey started talking about homecoming, even though it isn't for another month.

"I was thinking Lizzie and I can get ready at my house and you guys can pick us up from there." I looked up at her and shook my head.

"I'm not going. You remember what happened last year." Dallas gave me a confused look. I shook my head, there isn't a point to tell him. It's not like he could do anything to change it.

"But you won at least." Aaron added in and I glared at him. Homecoming last year was one of the worst days of my life.

"Yeah, then was blasted with paintballs and feathers." I glared and threw my trash away. "I'm not going, Lainey." she frowns.

"What if we made our own homecoming? That way I can still get you in a dress and we can all still have fun together." I rolled my eyes. 

"Whatever." She smiled and grabbed a notebook.

"We can do it at my place. My parents wouldn't mind." I looked over at Dallas, but he avoided eye contact with me. I looked back down at the table in front of me, Lainey cheered and nodded as she started writing stuff down.

I took out my phone and played a game until the bell rang.

~After school~

I walked to my locker and saw a note fall to the ground, I picked it up and looked at it.

Meet me at our park tonight at 7 -popstar

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