❌Chapter One❌

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Last day of school!

Kids get terrifying when it's the last day. They're practically shoving each other over to escape an everlasting torture.

That's just about the definition of school.

Did you know that homework spelled backwards is something that means torture or something in a totally different language? That's-Thats basically child abuse!

Aside from that, I was busy trying to shove a pen in my backpack while waiting for Stan Urine (Uris). Aka, like my best friend. Besides my brother at least. I looked in the classroom after all the other morons left, to see Stan still putting shit in his bag. "Stanley! Let's go, moron!" He scoffed snd stifled a nervous-irritated laugh. "A little help would be nice, Denbrough." He groaned. "Just hurry up, Urine." He sighed.

"It's Uris. Not Urine. Your so stupid." He slung the backpack over his shoulders and walked passed me, grabbing the ring of my backpack and dragging me. "Oh shit! Y/N you made us late! They're leaving!" "Me? Your the one who took forever!"

We caught up with the losers, aka my brother and his friends. We have Richie, Billy and Eddie. My best friends in the whole wide world.

I think the losers were talking about Stan's upcoming Bar Mitzvah, Which I was 100% going to. I know he's gonna totally rock! His dad, who is the rabbi, is going to be so proud of him and I know it!

I walked in between Bill and Richie, Richie linking his arm around mine. Richie is one of my bestest friends, Like, ever. I'm kinds like his baby sitter, and he's the four year old that's a huge brat and throws hissy fits when he can't play street fighter.

"Y/NNNNNN do you have any spare change?" He asked me, looking at me with baby doll eyes. "I don't know, why?" "Could I maybe.. I don't know.. have some? For street fighter?" He giggled. I swear he's always in some shit. "Nope. Not a chance Richie." He un-linked his arm from mine and crossed his arms. "You smell like Eddie's moms underwear!" He said, really loudly. That's embarrassing as hell.

The losers looked to us and sighed. Eddie got really ticked off, his cheeks snd ears turned slightly red and he started yelling at Richie. "Shut the fuck up Richie you're so disgusting.. that's so gross! Y/N smells like Bills fucking cologne because he sprays so damn much! And I'm not saying it smells bad, because she still smells pretty nice but- but- WHY MY MOM?"

Richie giggled. I elbowed him in the rib and he attempted to trip me, but failed and tripped himself. He stumbled s bit but he didn't really fall, sadly. "Continuing what I said, I read from the Torah, make a speech, and suddenly I become a man." He says. "I still can't believe you said they slice the tip of his dick off, Eds." Richie sighed, shaking his head mockingly. "But- Stan's gonna have nothing left!" I whisper shouted. "Ha-ha. Your so funny Y/N."  "Oh, I know Stan. I know."

"Hey, I can think of funner ways to become a man." Richie giggled, as we passed Henry and his goons. Henry winked at me and licked his lips grossly and I leaned onto Bill. Bill, my brother.

I know we're in the same grade, and we're not blood related.. But he is my brother. His family bought me tampons and pads when my mom who's never home wasn't there, and I spend my time at his house. His family was very welcoming, and their friends of my moms. They don't really lick her, but they love me like there own. I basically live at his house. His parents are mine. He taught me how to ride a bike, on his own bike. Silver. Silver, who is his prized possession.  Georgie was like my brother too. And as much as I want to find him, I know he's dead. But I push it away and make myself believe he's somewhere, waiting for me and Billy.

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