❌Chapter Three❌

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As the losers fought over spit, I decided I'd wait to see if Beverly comes before I jump in.
Eddie and richie were constantly bickering, it was kinda funny actually.
Bill turned around to face me, "Y/N you coming?" He asked, ignoring them.

I shook my head. "I'm gonna wait for Beverly."

He nodded, and the rest of them turned to us.

"We should push her in." Richie snickered.

Stan elbowed Richie, "Don't even"

"Eddie wants to see Y/N stri-" Stan and Eddie smacked him.

"Jesus! What the fuck guys!" Richie raged.

"Your annoying me!" Stan yelled.

"Stop turning shit into sex jokes! That's fucking gross! Not that Y/Ns gross she's actually really pretty and super funny and I like hanging out with her but- I- you know-!" Eddie scrambled.

"There's not much to s-s-see-" Bill shrugged.



"Remember that time I broke my arm? He helped me wash my hair."
I quickly explained truthfully.

Richie side eyed bill and I.


He muttered.

"Anyways, Who's first?"




"I'll go!"

Beverly pulled up, and was undressing herself with a smile. I quickly scrambled for my buttons.

"Wait for me!" I called, running up with Beverly.

"Sissies!" Beverly screamed as we interlocked hands and jumped off, landing in the water with a splash. I heard Richie scream and say something, but I was well under the water before I could hear anything.

Eventually, everyone jumped in. We all swam for a while, playing chicken.

Richie grabbed me and dunked me underwater, like the little cockroach he is. I grabbed him too, dragging him well under.



Me and Richie both yelled, after we got back up. Stanley was right next to us, and in a few seconds "Something just touched my foot right here!" He jumped with me and Richie. Then we all started to go under, I don't even know what we were doing. I was trying to see what the hell it was, but I think Richie was trying to pick it up while Stan was trying to get it away.

"Right here right here!"

"That work?"

"Right fucking here!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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