❌Chapter Two❌

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I woke up that morning, my arm sore from the way I slept last night. I heard the phone from downstairs and I went to get it.
I picked it up and played with the string coil.
"Y/N Denbr- I mean L/N speaking. Moms not home right now so if you need her I can take a mes-"
"Y/N, a-a-are you coming?"
It was Billy.
Surprised, I leaned against the floral wall with the wire still wrapped around my fingertip.

"Coming where? We didn't make plans." "T-T-To-"
"Is she coming Bill?" I heard Eddie say. Bill pulled the phone away from his face. "S-S-Shut u-up." He stuttered, placing it back on his ear."T-T-To E-Ed-" slightly stressed, he stuttered."Jesus just give it here!" Stan sighed, taking the phone. "You coming to Eddie's or not? The Barrens?" He asked.

I cursed to myself and slammed the phone down, running to my bedroom and undressing myself from my pj's. I threw on a T-shirt and shorts. I brushed my hair and didn't bother with my teeth, I'll just do it when I get home. We didn't have any food, so I'll just go shopping today. Or maybe I'll stay at Billy's.


"Take everything but the delicious deals guys, my mom loves em!" Eddie said as the boys started to raid his food. "Guys don't take all his food- They're gonna starve!" I scolded.

"I think Mrs. K will live a long life with all her.." Richie joked, walking around pretending to be a big fat guy. "Wow. Okay Richie. That's so not funny." Eddie scoffed.

"Hey Y/N, speaking of moms, isn't your mom supposed to be back soon?" Stan asked, leaning on the counter infront of me.
Bill looked at us, curious. "Y-You didn't mention that."
I shrug. "She sent me a letter last night. I don't know why she just doesn't call, but she sent me 900 dollars for bills and yada yada. Said that her team needed her there."
"Oh. Shit. Sorry." Stan said, nervously.
"It's fine, it's kinda nice without her."
"900 Dollars? That's a lottttt of street fighter.." Richie giggled.
"No way buddy." I crossed my arms. He sighed.

"Okay wait how the fuck does Bill not know any of this and Stanley does?"

Stanley shrugged again, "I'm just special, I guess." He grinned.

I laughed sarcastically "Yeah okay."

Eddie leaned on the counter, "Anyways, first you said the barrens, now your saying the sewer? I mean.. what if we get caught.." He whispered. I looked at Bill. "Now the sewers? How come I didn't know about this?" He laughed and looked at me. "I guess we b-b-both have our s-secrets." Then he turned to Eddie. "We won't Ed's. The sewers are p-public works. We're the public aren't we?" I shrugged and smiled.

I leaned onto the counter cupboards I was sitting by, as Richie wanted to snoop. "Y/N, move your fat ass out of the way!" He grumbled, struggling to open the door behind me. "Beep beep. Go bother Billy or something!" I shooed. Bill shot me a look of complaint, causing me to smile.

I got tired of him hitting the door against my back and I eventually got up and moved, and he opened to door to all Eddie's glorious medication. "Hey Eddie, these your birth control pills?" Before Eddie could reply, Richie thought of a master plan. "I bet your saving them for Y-" "-YOUR SISTER. I'm saving them for your sister, Richie. Now move! This is private stuff!" He got irritated quickly and shoved Richie to close his cabinet.

"Hit up Bill for that one, Y/N isn't MY sister." He scoffed. "S-She's off l-l-limits, sorry E-Ed's." Bill replied without a thought. I blushed slightly "I-I'm sure that's not what Ed meant Richie. Stop turning everything into a sex joke." I scolded.

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