Chapter 8

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" Okay then, some of your friends will be visiting you in the morning, get some rest; I'll inform the Vackers that you're doing okay. " The nurse walked out of the room, why does Bianca want to visit me? We're barely friends.

WAIT, W̵̶̸̻̼͉̱̄͗ͭ͟͢͢͠H̴̶̵҉̨̡̛̼͎̫͓̒́̔ͩ͜͟͠͞͞E҉̰̰͎̆͞R̴҉̷̨̖̮̉͑ͯ̑̋͟͠E҉̰̰͎̆͞'Ṡ̷̢̫̞̻͈͋͛̓̅͜͜͜͠͠͠ F̶̵͖͚̯̮̤̫̿̆͌͋͢͟͡͡A҉҉̦̣̤͔̟̩̋̿̏ͦ̈́̍͟͠T҉̘͙͖̠̓ͦ͑̄͜͜͟͞H̴̶̵҉̨̡̛̼͎̫͓̒́̔ͩ͜͟͠͞͞E҉̰̰͎̆͞R̴҉̷̨̖̮̉͑ͯ̑̋͟͠?!

7:07:07 AM

" Here we are, room 777. Enjoy your visit, Ms. Vacker. " Said a woman in the distance.

" Thank you. " Said a familiar voice.

I couldn't sleep all night, where's father? Is he alright? Or is he... No, he can't be, surely someone must have noticed, right? My thoughts were interrupted by a familiar face entering the room.

" Hi Y/N! Oh god what happened to you?! Did you even sleep? Let me get you some water. " Bianca walked into the room with a heart-shaped box in her hand, she rushed to go get a glass of water.

" I'm good, thanks. " I answered, taking the cup of water and putting it on the beside table, " Why did you visit me? "

" Are you kidding me? We're practically bestfriends now! I have to visit you."  Bianca was acting like a popular girl in a 2000s movie, " Anyway what happened?! I was so worried about you when I heard you were in the hospital, tell me all the details."

I explained to her everything, my version of the story and then what Dr. Heslege told me, the entire time she had a surprised and traumatized face.

" So your mother disguised herself a this " Laila " person and apparently she's in trouble, even thought she nearly killed you? " Bianca asked.

" Pretty much, but there's one thing thought... " I informed

" Which is?"

" I don't know where father is. " I said, scarred.

" What?! Have you asked anyone about where he is? "

" I tried, but everyone keeps cutting me off, or not letting me speak. "

" Wait here, " Bianca rushed to go get a nurse from the hallway, I would have told her to stop and forget about it, but I can't, since you know, broken back and all. Later, Bianca came back with a nurse, both of them looking very concerned.

" So, Miss. Einself, is it true that you don't know where your father is? Give us his name and we'll search the records to identify where he is. " The nurse came in with a clipboard in his hand.

"F/N L/N " I said, still quivering from the thought, also the coldness of the room.

" Okay then, we'll search the files and records, get some rest Y/N, " The nurse walked out of the room hurriedly. Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in my back; " OW! "

" Oh careful, Y/N. " Bianca helped lay down on the bed, " Oh that reminds me, Tam and I got you a gift, I hope you like it! " She handed me a box wrapped in blue sparkly paper.  It was a necklace with a little black skull and red chains.

" You don't like it, do you? I knew I shouldn't have let Tam choose the gift- "

" Wait he choose it? " It was very pretty, It would look good with one of my outfits; but how does Tam know what I like?

" Yeah, he said that you would like this; I'll give you another, this one doesn't look go- "

" What? No no I like it! " I interrupted, I held it in my hand like it was a feeble baby bird. 

" Oh! I have to go now, see you later, Y/N ! " Bianca ran out of the room; leaving a black piece of paper wrapped in a red ribbon.

One month later...

Dr. Heslege said that I was good to go back to school, sure I was happy; But what about this Laila person? I don't want to live with a doppelganger version of my mother, then again, I don't want to live with the real version either. Is it just my mother but with a different name or is she a different person? Only one way to find out.

" Well what are you waiting for? Go on !" Dr. Heslege reassured.

" Stelunar! " I shouted, light flashing before my eyes.

At Home

When I got back home, it felt... different. There wasn't any mess caused by my siblings, no father shouting at his imparter; it just didn't feel homey. I walked around and went up to my room, inside there was a tall woman with hair like cotton and a freckled face.

" Hello dear, so sorry I couldn't visit you at the hospital. " The woman cried.

" Mother? " I asked, she looked nothing like what my biological mother did, thank god. 

" Oh is your memory a bit off? Elwin sent me some of that memory loss medication, let me get that for you. " 'Mother' descended downstairs, " Ah I almost forgot! There is a little present from your friend. " 

She seems way more nicer and a lot calmer than my original mother. I walked over to my bed and found a small box wrapped in black, I walked over to the bed and opened the box.

It was that poison bottle.

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