Chapter 30.

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[Author POV]

Its finally here... Month 9. The last and final month of Jiyun's pregnancy.

It's been a lot rougher on her the last week or so as she's been having more Braxton hicks contractions and has been super emotional.

Thank god she has Jungkook, Rosé, and Yoongi because they have helped her through all of this and without them, she would have already had a huge meltdown.

It's a Sunday morning and the air is crisp as it is now the middle of fall. Jiyun had just woken up and today she was feeling much better as she didn't feel like crying her eyes out first thing. Making the best of the moment, she slipped into the bathroom to do her morning routine and then made her way into the kitchen where she smelled breakfast cooking.

When she walked in, she saw him standing at the counter mixing some eggs in a bowl. She smiled to herself as she quietly crept up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist.


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"Good morning baby."

He smiled at her presence and spun around in her arms to face her. "Good morning beautiful, how are you feeling this morning?"

As he spoke he lifted his hand up, cupping her face gently as she melted into his touch. "I'm actually doing really well. I don't feel moody or sleepy at all right now."

"Well that's amazing, is there something you'd like to do today then?"

"Yes actually. I'd like to finish up the nursery by putting all her clothes in the dresser, making the crib up, and making sure all of our hospital bags are packed and ready to go since she could decide to come any day now."

He went back to making the food as he smiled at her lovingly. "Okay, but all of this will happen after we eat this breakfast I'm making. Sound good to you?"

"Oh yes, I'm starving and everything here looks delicious."

She was feeling frisky so she winked at him and bit her lip seductively, looking him up and down.

"Oh Jiyun, if you weren't about to have my baby I would take you right here and now on this kitchen counter. But alas, I must refrain from this because I don't want to harm you or our child."

She chuckled and walked back over to him as she whispered in his ear. "They say that sex actually helps induce labor, wanna give it a try?"

He started laughing then pecked a small kiss on her lips. "Believe me, I really really want to... but like I said I don't think it's a good idea right now."

She started touching his chest and kissing his neck and ears so softly. He tried to contain himself as much as possible, but even pregnant this woman has a way of making him horny as hell. He finally wrapped his arms back around her and pulled her deeper into a kiss as their tongues danced around together. He slowly took off her buttoned up top when all of a sudden they both heard a gush hit the floor.

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