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of course tsukasa was late. he always ends up late when rui just thinks, "i feel like tsukasa's gonna arrive late".

and like magic, when tsukasa ends up on rui's mind occasionally, boom. the door flies open and tsukasa rubs his head obviously in pain.

rui wonders why tsukasa always opens the door with his head like a bull. he couldn't just use his hands?

"tenma, please stop headbutting the door everytime you arrive to school late," the teacher reminds him. tsukasa sheepishly nods and quickly rushes to his seat, behind rui. rui turns and takes a look at tsukasa, he has a few hair strands sticking out but no matter what time it is, he always manages to come to school looking presentable.

math wasn't much, really, just more reminders of regents coming up soon. boring lessons. the usual.

rui zones out, and as he's blankly staring at his notebook, he snaps out of it and realizes that the teacher's calling him. "kamishiro? please be more focused with your work." rui lets out a shy laugh. all eyes are on him. he just taps his notebook with his mechanical pencil.

"boring... boring.." rui mutters to himself.

not even a minute later he feels a tap on his shoulder. rui's classmate hands him a note and whispers, "kusanagi told me to give this to you,"

a note from nene? rui nods at his classmate and takes the piece of paper. it's crumpled, but it works. he unfolds it.

have you seen the way tsukasa's been looking at you this entire time? >_>

rui slowly blinks, still looking at the paper. he looks behind him and there tsukasa is looking at him with love eyes.

kasa's a little slow, so when he realizes rui's looking at him his eyes widen and he looks down at his desk in embarrassment.

rui raises his eyebrows a little bit and turns back to face the teacher. what the hell just happened? why was tsukasa looking at rui like that?

rui shrugged it off- no he didn't. that was the only thing on his mind for the rest of the period.


the bell rung.

tsukasa's the first one out of math class. he covers his face with his hands, awfully embarrassed because he got caught looking at rui like some obsessive weirdo.

emu was the first to notice him acting off. of course, she would yell his name from across the hallway, and he'd get even more embarrassed.

it's emu. what do you expect?

"tsukasa!!" emu cried. she ran up to kasa and stood up tall to match his height. "what's wrong with youu!?!? why are you so red??"

tsukasa slowly took his hands off of his face to look at emu. he then smiled and responded, "it's nothing, i'm just a little embarrassed from last class is all."

emu grinned. "tell me more!! what happened??" her questions kept coming and coming. tsukasa couldn't just drop the conversation like that, so he answered every question emu asked. back and forth. like a game of ping-pong.

emu was out of questions. she tapped her chin expressively thinking of more questions to ask.. tsukasa looked around, waiting, and there rui was.

eavesdropping on emu and kasa's conversation..? tsukasa was about to walk over to him and strike up a mini convo, but then emu conveniently thought up a question.

"kasa! what are you going to do for the next show?"

that's a bit random..

"i don't know yet, but we could brainstorm some ideas if you want t-"

"tsukasa." rui tapped on his shoulder. tsukasa, obviously shocked, turned around and raised an eyebrow at rui. "i was talking to emu, rui.. don't interrupt like that,"

rui pat emus head as an apology. she smiled and her back straightened more than usual.

emu loves head pats...

"sorry, kasa. we need to talk though." rui said. "would you mind, emu?"

emu glanced at rui, a jokingly yet serious look in a way. she smiled and answered, "not at all! we still have a few more minutes before next period :D!"

emu then ran off to go find nene, lucky for her, she was standing outside the door of math class.

tsukasa watched them talk to each other lively, when a hand grabbed his chin and moved his head to face rui.

almost immediately did kasa take the hand off of his chin.

"you're too extra, rui. just call my name.. don't grab my chin."

tsukasa turned bright red at the thought of rui unintentionally rizzing him up like that.......

"sorry. can you tell me why you were looking at me like that last period?" rui got straight to the point. tsukasa's eyes opened a little more to that question. he kinda didn't expect rui to ask that so suddenly.


"why would i.. what..?" i questioned. man, i just wanted the day to go normal- yet here i am embarrassing myself in front of rui out of all people.

rui looked at me and put his hands on his hips. "you know what i'm talking about, kasa. why were you just looking at me..?"

i didn't have an excuse to make up, so i just said the least suspicious reply i could have said.

"i mean.. your hair looked soft.."


rui blinked and stared at tsukasa. "i wondered how it would feel if i touched it.. u kno?" tsukasa awkwardly smiled and backed away for some personal space.

rui relaxed his body a little and sighed. "is that it? really?" tsukasa nodded. he just didn't want to seem weird..

the taller one was just glad that tsukasa wasn't staring at him for whatever reason. "okay then,"

"wanna go get hot chocolate downstairs?" rui asked. kasa was a little surprised because the question was so sudden, yet he said sure. "shld we go get emu and nene?"

"mhm," the blonde agreed. "the bigger the better. i'll see u down there, okay rui?"


guys akunoP is soo good i LOVE MOTHY!!!!!!!!

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