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Hi guys im ba ck a lot has changed. umm it's only been like what.. 10 days

ok either way im a new person❤️❤️ i don't know what im going to do with this

OMG THE THING FIXED i can live in peace now



time skip, it was 5th period. lunch was after this. rui and tsukasa had history.

or well, their class did. since it was a monday, they usually had pride club 5th period.

tsukasa joined because he was an "ally" and everyone was welcome, as long as they weren't a homophobe. rui joined for the same reason.

since their school was pretty big, some of the people in the club they didn't know. they knew meiko, shiho, kaito, airi, dex, toya and kohane were in it though. pretty tiny club, but they thought everyone there was decently nice to each other.

"it's just, like, so bizarre- they were kissing in the same ROOM as me," rui said, still in shock emu and nene were doing all that. "did they think i just wouldn't say anything?- like- GGRHR-"

tsukasa raised his eyebrows. "calm down, it's over." he smiled. tsukasa could already see him kissing rui like that. maybe he was turning a little red, but rui didn't notice.

"it's room.. 114 right?" he asked. after not really getting much of a response, he looked at rui with his airpods on and squinted.

tsukasa could hear a muffled version of fifth pierrot coming from them.

rui blinked really quick a couple times and looked at tsukasa. "hm?" he hummed. he wasn't really paying attention.

he tapped on the airpods and the music stopped. "sorry... it's a catchy song," he pointed out."

tsukasa rolled his eyes. "i said," he began, "it's room 114, right?"

"oh- um, yeah. you don't know this?" rui scoffed as he continued his music and opened the door to the room.

he started walking in to grab a juice box as he waited for tsukasa to sit down.

kasa decided to sit next to dex for now. he grinned, "how's it been, tsukasa??" he asked with a bubbly expression. tenma shrugged his shoulders signaling that everything was fine.

"tssuuuuu," rui sulked.


"why would you sit in that seat.. i can't sit next to you.."

rui slumped down and tsukasa rolled his eyes. he was in the middle of shiho and dex but he didn't really feel like moving.

"hinomori?" tsukasa tapped on shiho's shoulder. she was taking a little nap listening to my chemical romance loud as HELL.

"hng-?" she responded as she snapped awake.

oh... it's saki's brother, shiho thought.

"eep- sorry for interrupting your.. uhm, nap- could you move to the seat beside you? rui wants to sit there.." tsukasa shot a death glare at kamishiro.

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