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You go to school
And look for him
When you turn around
Your eyes grow dim

His smile is bright
And so is hers
She grabs his hand
And he grabs back in return

You stomp off in anger
And question what you see
"Are they a thing now
How can this be?"

He's all you wanted
For a few years
You start shaking in fury
While your eyes swell with tears

You ditch your next class
You go walk home
To be away from people
To be alone

You punch your wall
Your hand starts to bleed
Just a little love
Is all you need

The one thing that made you happy
Is now gone
But you can't stop thinking about him
Because he is what you long

You start to feel numb
When you need to feel pain
So you cut your wrist
And your blood starts to drain

For all these years
You have dreamt to die
Well now pretty girl
You can say goodbye

This boy never knew
That he was her killer
She was killed by a guy
That never even knew her

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