Chapter 1: the beginning

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I remember the day I moved to Denver, Colorado so vividly in my mind. It was a cool August day. I was moving to Denver after an incident involving my parents.My God parents thought it was best to move away from that incident and start anew. I was resting my head on the car door watching the neighborhood houses pass by as we were approaching ours. We then stopped and parked at a light blue house. My god father hopped out of the car and my god mother came next. I clenched my unicorn stuffed animal as my god mother opened the door for me.I hoped out and started to look around the front yard. Delicately touching the flowers on the bushes next to the fence. "(y/n)! Come here sweetheart!" my god mother yells and i run towards her. "Yes, Mrs Carder?" I asked as I came up to her." Well sweetie i just thought we could have a look at your room.Would you like that?.".I gasped and ran into the house then stopping to ask where the room is.Mrs Carder chuckled as she took my hand and led me to my room. We walked it and looked around the room. It was a good sized room with a single window and closet. Of course it was empty as we hadn't furnished it, but there were boxes filled with my belongings. I ran towards one box that was filled to the brim with stuffed animals . I took some out and started to play with them as my god parents got everything settled.

Time skip

My god mother called me to dinner after getting as much as they could settle in. I ran to the kitchen and tried to sit in a chair that was a little too big for me but eventually I got there. Mrs. Carder put down our dinner and we ate in a comfortable silence until it was broken by Mr Carder "So kiddo you're starting school soon how are you feeling?" "Um, I'm feeling good, I think but I'm a little scared."I said, taking a big bite of my dinner. "Why are you scared kiddo?"Mr Carder asked courisly "Well what if i don't make any new friends? Or is the school too smart for me?" Mr Carder chuckled as said "Well I'm sure you'll make lots of friends buddy and I bet you'll do very well in school. So no need to be afraid" I hummed back hesitantly as I finished my meal. "Well, no matter what, you still have us and we're your friends." Mrs Carder said, taking our plates to clean them." I guess that *yawn* true" I said." Well looks like it's someone's bed time" Mr Carder stated picking me up and setting me off to bed. I fell asleep in his arms. The last thing I remember was my door opening as my eyes fluttered shut.
~time skip~
The days flew by fast as school was approaching and the house was finishing.School was now one day away and i was both excited and nervous to start.
I ran outside to play freely in the backyard when u heard a whimpering sound. "Huh? What's that? Should we go see mrs unicorn?" I asked my stuffed animal.I shaked it's head as if agreeing with me to check and I went on looking for the source of the noise.I stopped in front of a shaking bush.I carefully oped the bush and jumped back as I saw something "EEP!!" I yelped as I hit the ground "ow I shouldn't have done that...wait was was that?" I reopened the bush to see a little white puppy shivering. "Oh no!! Poor thing let's get you inside" I said as I gently picked it up and carried it inside. "Mrs and Mr carder I found a puppy, it looks sad!" I said a bit loudly but not too loudly to scare the poor thing. "A puppy!?" Mr and Mrs Carder yell as they came into the living room looking at me and the shivering puppy in my arms. "Oh poor little thing it looks cold!" Mrs Carder said and Mr Carder nodded its head in agreement. "Can we take care of it at least until we find an owner please!" I said with the biggest puppy eyes I could muster. "Well Gill can we?" "Well...alright just until we find its owner if it has one,ok?" I nodded my head excitedly and walked up the stairs while Mrs Carder followed."Well let's clean him up and give him some food, shall we?" Mrs Carder said, now taking the puppy from me "Ok!" I said hopping behind her.

~time skip~

I went to the dinner table and sat down saying thank you to Mrs Carder and eating my food. "So y/n sweetie are you excited for school tomorrow?" Mrs Carder asked."Mm I'm still kinda nervous.. but still happy!" I said , biting my meal."That's amazing sweetie! You'll do amazing I'm sure of it" she responded.Mrs and Mr Carder chatted as i ate quietly.We finished and i went to my room to check in the puppy and go to sleep. "Hey little guy, how are you doing? I'm doing ok but I'm a little nervous about school in wish i could bring you with me but you need rest-"."and so do you little missy" Mrs. Carder cut me off, picking me up and tucking me in." Aww really?" I pouted not wanting to sleep just yet. "Of course silly you need rest tomorrows a big day you'll be heading off to school and to 1st grade." she said putting me down and tucking me in."*yawn* noooo I don't wanna sleep yet I wanna *yawn* play...with...puppy..." I complained as I drifted off to sleep."*chuckling* good night y/n sweet dreams"Mrs Carter said walking out the room and turning on the night light.
~time skip~

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