Chapter 3:The weekend

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Chapter 3:The weekend

Y/n's POV

Ahh finally the weekend I've been waiting for all week. Me and Vance made plans together today and tomorrow. We're going to go rollerblading in the afternoon and to the arcade because he's teaching me how to "properly" play pinball in his words. "I bet I'll be a pro right snowy?" I said to my dog as he continued to violently shake his chew toy "Yeah a pro...thanks for agreeing snow buddy." I pack some money and other things in my small backpack as I prepare to hangout with Vance.I walk down stairs to wait in the living room."Hey kiddo, waiting for Vance?" Mr Carder said looking up his newspaper as Mrs Carder put's down a cup of coffee on the table for him. "Yeah!We're gonna hang out at the arcade and rollerblading!" I said as a knock on the door was heard "Oh! That's him, I have to go bye!" I said going to the front door. "We'll have fun sweetheart, don't be out too late you hear?" Mrs Carder said as Mr Carder nodded in agreement "Be safe and enjoy yourself kiddo see you at dinner."
I smile at them and open the door to see Vance leaning against the porch as always. "Hey.You ready to go bonehead?" He said walking towards me. "Yup! Lead the way" He gestures to me to follow him and I jog to him.

(Small time skip)

We were in the middle of talking when Vance suddenly declares that we're here "This is the place come on." He takes my hand and goes through the arcade doors.

"Wow" is all I let out as I bask in the blinding lights and exciting nosies

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"Wow" is all I let out as I bask in the blinding lights and exciting nosies.

——3rd person———

Vance looks over at y/n and smirks knowing that she would react like this he slightly puffed his chest proud that he picked a good place to hang out at."Heh I knew you would like it now come on let's go to the pinball machine" he dragged y/n towards it but she got distracted by the other games in the arcades and let go of his hand she walks to the other games as Vance tries to drag her but to the main focus,  pinball. "Hey dunce, come on don't get distracted on me." he tried to grab her hand but he was cut off but her voice "Hey Vance can we play these too please?" she said hoping for a yes." Fine I'll teach you how to play these too just because I'm pinball Vance doesn't mean I can't play anything else" he walks to a Galaxy combat Game "ok so basically all you do is shoot at all those enemies and collect anything they drop to upgrade yourself, ok?"he explains  " Mm ok" y/n responded putting in her quarters .

-time skip-

"Nooo!!" "Haha you fucking suck!" Vance said laughing as y/n lost yet again at pac-man."Ahh I don't think I can do this anymore." Y/n said frowning at the small game over text. "Oh well now let's go play some pinball so I can beat your ass again." Vance said smirking , walking to the pinball machine. "Hey! It's just that you're really good at games. I bet I could beat anyone else!" Y/n said speeding up to him "Sure sure I think you just suck." He said, rolling his eyes.Y/n frowned and continued to walk.They both stopped in front of the game. "Ok pinball master, you gonna show me how it's done?" Y/n said getting closer to the game.

——Vance's POV——

"Of course dumbass by the time I'm done with you you'll almost be as good as me...almost" I said smirking as she frowned trying to suppress a smile and she's definitely not suppressing it well. She put her hands on the game handles and I navigated her though it.She looked so concentrated mm she looks pretty cute like that.I hear the you lost sound play as y/n sighed ."I suck so badly" y/n chuckle ready to give up but like I'm letting that happen.

——3rd person——

Y/n suddenly felt something press against her back she sees to strong arms moving to put his hands in hers.Then it clicked *Vance just rapped his body around me* both their hearts started to beat so intensely as Vance started to lean in closer "ok I'll help you so don't get frustrated now move your hands like this idiot" Vance whispered in her ear as she followed his instructions.

(Small time skip)

"Come one you're doing great." Vance whispered to y/n slightly proud of her giving her a little squeeze.They get closer and closer to Vance's High Score as the seconds go by. "Looks like you're about to beat my high score mmm" Vance says as he suddenly bumped her making y/n mess up and loose. "Vance!!Why must you do this to me! You're just jealous I almost won."y/n frowned at him crossing her arms "Yeah because of me." Vance said, crossing his arms "...mmm whatever." y/n said remembering the other fun plans they made."Oh rollerblading!!" Y/n said excitedly looking at him "Oh yeah I almost forgot about that we should probably get going ,huh?" Vance said as y/n nodded in response.And with that Vance grabbing y/ns wrist gently leading her out the arcade.

——Y/n's POV——

We both arrived at the rollerblading ring and went in.It looked so cool! I can't wait to rollerblade with Vance! I know how to rollerblade a bit so at least I won't fall and embarrass myself. "Ok where are the rollerblades?" Vance said looking around the ring I smiled at and grabbed his hand "There over here come on!" We went to the worker and told him our shoe size and I paid him.We sat down and started to put on our rollerblades. "Ok Finished! Are you done?" I asked, looking at him standing up. "Um yeah come on let's- OH SHIT!" Vance said as he was interrupted standing up and losing his balance.I suppressed laughter and helped let him grab my arm. "Y-you ok Vance." "Shut up don't fucking laugh I'm fine" Vance said trying to balance and stand again.He wobble a bit but then got the hang of it he stomped his feet to the ring I giggled and rolled over to him.He gave me a side eye as I giggled into my hand. "I swear I'll push you, don't test me y/n" "Ok ok sorry." We made it to the rink and I skate in front of Vance watching as he slowly makes his way in. "Ok Vance's take it nice and slow don't fal-" "I got it I got it Jesus it can't be that hard I don't need your instructions" Vance said finally standing properly in the ring. "Well ok if you need help call me" I skated off slowly and picked up speed in time. I look over to Vance and see him trying to skate and failing, almost falling over...again. I stare for a bit and Vance notices and glares at me "Hey dumbass help me out here!" "I thought you didn't want help?" I said going towards him "well that was before I almost fell on my ass!" Vance said, grabbing my arm to balance. "Mm ok,let me teach you the basics"

—Vance's POV—

She started to give me instructions and I followed.*Fuck this was harder then it looked why did I agree to this* I looked over to see her smiling as she skated she looked so cute *Shit that's why* After a while I got used to this shit and started to move properly without falling face forward. "Great job Vance you did it!" Y/n said smiling at me "Of fucking course I did it!" I said smirking and skating beside her.We spent the rest of the time skating and having fun. I wish it could be like this all the time.

-Y/n and Vance thoughts-

I wish this would never end

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