My Valentine (special)

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Y/n's pov

I wake up to the sun hitting my face.I get up enthusiastically as I realize it's Valentine's Day. I dress up in Valentine's apparel, go down to eat breakfast, brush my teeth, and grab my present for Vance. I rushed down the stairs opening my door and preparing to head out.The flowers bloom, and love was in the air. As I arrive at school, I see couples and friends left and right, giving each other presents that's not anymore excited to give Vance my present. He told me he wasn't going to walk me to school today because he has something to do but I know eventually I'll see him so I'll hang onto the present. The bell rang, and I headed to class.

Vance's pov

I hold my box of chocolates tightly to my right as the other hand holds a single rose I bought.*AH why am I so nervous it's just a stupid gift all I have to do is give it to her and bam I'll be done with this.Stupid fucking valentines stupid fucking feelings she's my friend I shouldn't be nervous.But what is she doesn't like my gift what is she thinks it's cliché what is another guy got her something else.* "AHH THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING!" I yelled as I walked to the school. "Be a fucking man and just give it to her." I hear the final bell ring and crowds of kids come flooding out the school. I wait outside for her to come out. I was starting to get nervous.*I'm Vance "motherfucking" Hopper I can give a stupid gift to a girl I'm not a pussy!!* I thought getting more confident in myself but that confidence you left me as I saw her walking out.*She looks so cute- SHIT here she comes FUCK play it cool Hopper play it cool*I hid my gifts behind my back as she got closer "Vance!!" I hear her yell happily. Ahh she's so cute when she gets excited "y/n hey you seem happy." I said with a small smirk on my face "Mhm I am and happy valentines day Vance!" "Mm happy valentines day I guess" I looked at her hands and saw a gift "hey what's that?" "Oh! It's :)!"

—3rd person

** Vance though as his face started to warm up. He clenched his gift for her harder as he stared at her mesmerizing smile "Oh you got me something you must really love me, sweet thing?" Vance said jokingly to distract himself from his intensely beating heart. "Yup I very much do!" Y/n said with a smile and handed Vance his gift but she noticed how he had his hands behind his back "Huh? What's behind your back Vance?" Y/n said tilting her head curiously "Uhh...well" Vance then shoved the small heart shaped box of chocolates and flower to y/n to "Here take's yours" He said not looking y/n in the eyes being too embarrassed to do so "Huh..Oh t-thank you Vance you d-didn't need t-to get me anything !" y/n said getting slightly flustered from the action. "Don't think about it too hard , dumbass you'll get a headache." Vance said, putting his hands in his pocket and hiding a smile by looking down. "Alright! And here I hope you like it." Y/n said as she handed him his gift Vance took the gift and opened it there was a box of chocolates,a bottle of coke,and a braided bracelet. "I thought you would like the bracelet since it's simple and nice and it has our initials on the inside!" Vance looked on the inside and sure enough he found a little stitching pattern that was v.h + y/I (your initials).Vance put it on and stayed silent as he looked at the gifts. "Um if you don't like it it's ok I'll-" y/n was then cut off by a pair or strong arms wrapping around her holding her gently yet firmly "thank you." All Vance said as his heart was pounding outside of his chest "Oh course...I'm glad you liked it." Y/n smiled and hugged back."happy valentine's beautiful" Vance said burying his head in the crook of her neck to hide his blush "happy Valentine's Day hopper." Y/n said embracing the touch . *How'd I get so lucky..god I love them* they both thought as they stayed in their loving embrace.


Sorry for not posting any chapters I've been unmotivated and school work as been piling up haha 😅 I hope you liked this small chapter HAPPY VALENTINES DAY LOVELIES


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