Unfortunate Meeting..?

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DreamXD POV.

I've been wandering around the SMP after getting into a argument with George. Some stupid thing that the mortal was concerned with, even though I've given him everything and anything he could ever want or need.

Walking through the woods I stumble upon a sleeping figure. I wouldn't have seen them if it weren't for the fact I'm floating above the ground. Taking a closer look they are barely still on the branch they are sleeping on. They look like me in a way... wait- I remember him! He's the first human I saw and ended up copying his looks to fit in with the rest of the humans. I believe he's also the person George is in love with?

He has his smiley mask hanging from his belt loop currently, instead of on his face. He has a strong jawline and blond hair with a white streak in it. I wonder if that's an ascetic choice or if he always had it. He seems to be waking up now!

"Huh- who are you!" He screeched as soon as he had stopped blinking back the sleep from his eyes. "Wo- Ahh!" He fell off the branch, luckily for him I'm right here and am able to catch him.

"You must be Dream, correct?" I ask looking down at the male in my arms who is cling onto my robes as if they are his life support. His eyes are squeezed tightly shut and his heart is pumping loudly against my chest.

"Huh- oh yeah! Wait-" He tried jumping out of my arms while apologizing only to be held in my arms for even longer. "Uh... you can put me down now, y'know... right?" He asks awkwardly, giving me a confused look and while glancing up at me.

"I know." I say plainly, however I suppose it's not very plain seeing as my voice echoes wherever I am whether I'm in an empty room or a party loud with music and too many drunkards. "So why don't you set me down then?" He asks, seemingly even more puzzled than he was before.

"I simply have the urge to hold you, besides the mortal I have been spoiling is getting annoying. So I might just trade him out for you." I answer him finally. I thought that explanation was adequate but now he seems to have more questions for me.

"Wait- you're XD! I remember you from prison! When Techno was being dumb and asked for a bell instead of freedom!" He says, almost murmuring, he sure says things fast and detailed. "Wait, what would urge you to want to spoil me instead of your other mortal? You do know I'm a seen as a villain in these lands, right?" He by now is just spewing random questions and false rumors so I decided to stop him right there.

"George is getting annoying, and has been using me for materials without letting me have any satisfaction. Also these are yours and my lands so it doesn't matter if you are seen as a villain." I pause before continuing, so that he can process what I just said to him. "Also I chose my form off of your image, so it should only be fair that I pay thanks to you for letting me use it without me asking permission for it" I say, I seem to have left him dumbfounded. Either way I decided it is time to go home, I think I'll bring him with me.

"Hey where are you taking me?" He asks, he seems curious but also quite cautious about going wherever I'm planning on taking him. "Our house." I respond quickly, I can sense someone's presence that is currently unwanted coming this way. "What do you "our house" I've always slept outside?" He's back to being confused.

The unwanted person is getting closer now. "Shh." I shush Dream and switch from holding him bridal position to having his legs wrapped around my waist, his arms around my neck and his face tucked into the crook of my collarbone. I can sense his confusion, but he stays quiet, something George is bad at. Reading the situation and shutting his mouth.

Speaking of George he was currently trying to find me. I know that because he is the unwanted person in the woods interrupting my conversation with Dream. Instead of feeling happy that he's seeking me out, I now feel annoyed. He used to bring me such joy and he was so beautiful for a mortal, but he only gets more annoying and bratty every time I see him.

"DREAMXD YOU HERE?! I NEED SOME STUFF, AND I WANT TO TALK TO YOU!" He screams for me. But the only thing getting my attention is currently in my arms.

I teleport Dream and myself to now our house. He seems to have passed out do to my teleporting. Oh well, I'll just put him in bed and speak to him later.


Hello to anyone reading this! If you happen to enjoy this just know I'm not the best with updating frequently so sorry if there's a long wait!😅

                                             - 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝐶𝑎𝑒𝑛🤍

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