Finding Flame

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DreamXD POV.

As I opened my eyes, I saw green. It was Dream. He was already awake and seemed quite happy to just peacefully look at me. "Morning mon chéri. What's got you up so early?" He blinked once before speaking softly in a still tired voice.

"It's not that early. The sun is up, and it's 10 am." He had a soft smile on his lips. I smiled back, happy at my loves joy.

My smile faded as I remembered that I needed to ask him about his rapists. I sighed softly a sorrow in my eyes that he immediately noticed.

"XD, you alright? You look a bit sad..." He gave me a questioning look as his face filled with a slight hint of sadness as well.

"My love, can you tell me more about who 'Flame' is? You don't have to say anything if you're not ready. You can take as long as you need." He visibly tensed at my words. I felt terrible for asking him something like this, but I wanted to bring those who hurt him to justice.

"I-i... C-can we eat breakfast first..?" I smile, a sad undertone still very visible in my actions.

"Of course, my love. What would you like for breakfast?" I ask him calmly, hoping to take it off his mind until he's ready.

"French toast with cinnamon apples?" He suggests. I smile and nod, I then get out of our bed and put on a robe. After I'm done, I pick him up and walk to the kitchen.

I get to the kitchen and set him down at one of the chairs at the kitchen island. I then grabbed the ingredients and began making breakfast for us.

After I take the apple cinnamon mixture, I place it on two pieces of French toast, I then add the final touch of whipped cream. I place the food in front of him and hand him a glass of orange juice. He smiled and began eating, I also began eating.

When we finished our breakfast, I set the plates in the sink and rinsed them. I then picked him up again and walked to the living room. Once there, I sat down on the couch, my love now sitting on my lap.

"My love, are you ready?" I asked softly. He slowly nodded his head, his hand gripping a part of my robe.

"S-Sapnap is his name... I was closer with him than even George for the longest time... b-but he liked me as more than just best friends..." He had a sad expression, and tears were forming in his eyes. The salty streams flooded past the dam of his eyelids, soaking his rosy cheeks. His face is pink in  embarrassment.

"Don't be embarrassed, my dear. You did nothing wrong. Cry as much as you need. I am here for you." I spoke softly to my crying lover, I can't imagine how terrible it must have been to be ashamed of someone else wrongdoings.

He wept in my arms, his hands gripping my robe that is now wet from his tears. I murmur sweet words to him as he works through his emotions. After a while, his cheeks dry, and he looks up at me. The sorrow I could see in the toxic colored gleam of his eyes.

"He said he wanted me to love him as much as he loved me... and then he gave me a glass of wine that was laced with an aphrodisiac... I-i trusted him with my life, and yet he threw all that trust out the window just to fulfill his own desires about my body..." I watched as he spoke his sentences cracked as he tried to explain to me with a dry throat from crying.

I used my powers to make a glass of water appear in my free hand, I helped him drink. After he finished the glass of water, he rested his head on my chest.

"You must think of me as a burden..." My eyes widened as he said this. I pulled his body closer to mine and kissed him softly.

"You are not a burden, I love you so much. You could never be a burden to me, my love." I hug him tightly as we work through our thoughts and problems.

Timesckip Brought to You By XD

Still DreamXD POV.

I set my love down on our bed and kissed his forehead softly. I then left our room and created the portal to the server. I exited the portal and could hear George whining to someone about needing me for something.

I walked towards the two. It was a man with black hair, a Texan accent, and a flame design on his shirt. I scowled under my mask as I walked towards the two. George noticed me first and immediately started whining about wanting treasures and armory. The Texan ravenette is just staring or more of glaring at the sight.

I roughly push George away and walk over to the other man. "You. You are Sapnap, correct?" My voice boomed and echoed as I spoke, even though we weren't in a place that echoes.

He nodded, slight fear in his eyes behind his tough guy act. "Yeah, I am. You're DreamXD, right?" I nodded.

"You're coming with me. I have business with you that does not include George." George frowned and began having a tantrum, not liking that I was ignoring him to speak to Sapnap.

I bitch slapped that sleepy hoe and then continued my conversation with the Texan. "Follow me." He nodded and followed, not daring to help George in fear of upsetting me.


Sorry for the short update! And also for not updating in awhile, my life got a bit more busy and I didn't have time to really figure out and focus on what I wanted for this chapter. Take care of yourselves!
                                             - Love Caen🤍

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