You Just Want That Cake

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Dreams POV.

We finished our slices of cake and washed the dishes. I put away the rest of the ingredients that weren't used.

"Dream can I have some of that cake?" I hear XD ask. I look back at him confused seeing as we just ate some cake and he could have asked for another slice before we cleaned up.

"You just had cake though?" I say tilting my head slightly before continuing, "if you wanted more you should have asked before we cleaned up," I finish turning back around to continue cleaning.

"Not that kind of cake, Dreamy," I hear him say so I turn back around to look at him again, tilting my head once again at him.

In an instant he's in front of me. His hands now around both sides of my waist, while I'm gripping onto the counter.

I feel wind rush around us, making me close my eyes. After the wind stops I open my eyes to see us in a room I don't recognize. Looking around I see that we are in a bedroom of sorts that's filled with s3x toys.

I look directly up to see XD above me the towel no longer on him and his sweatpants are nowhere to be seen. Now that I think about it, I look down at myself to see my clothes gone as well, only my boxers are left behind.

I blush and look back up to XD who has been staring "straight" at me this entire time. He really looks like he wants to eat me alive now.

"Do I have your consent, Dreamy?" He asks looking at me intently. This is the first time someone has asked!

Tears are now spilling down my face as I look up at him he seems extremely confused and concerned currently.

"Did I do something wrong, are you alright!?" He asks looking over me to see if I'm hurt as soon as he looks back up to my face he sees me smiling, he looks even more confused now. So I reach up and hug him.

DreamXD POV.

He's hugging me now? I'm so confused, he was just crying a minute ago. I hope I didn't upset him!

"Thank you," Is the first thing I hear, he then moves his face away from the crook of my neck, "Thank you for asking. No one has asked before," He says looking at me with a smiling face. Tears are still running down his cheeks, but now I know they're happy tears.

"Wait- who didn't ask!?" I realize, looking down at him extremely concerned about who dared to touch what is mine.

"It's fine, what matters right now is that you have my consent," He said dodging my question quite effectively.

"I suppose that is important currently, but when you're ready please promise me that you will tell me?" I ask, I really want to know who hurt him, but I don't want to make him uncomfortable.

"I promise,"

Dream POV.

"I promise," the only thing is I'm not sure if I'll ever be ready.

But after I said that I promised he slowly slid my boxers off, then his own. After removing our last garments of clothing he started kissing and sucking on my neck.

"Do you like any of the toys?" He asks, I blush at the question but nod my head.
"Which ones?" I point to the silk ribbons and vibrators. "Good choice,".

He bites down on my neck and then gets off to go grab the toys. I notice him grab some other things as well.

"Do you mind if I use these on you as well?" He then showed me a c0ck ring and a butt plug. I nodded at him to show him that it was okay.

"Words love, I want to make sure you're okay," He says looking at me with evident concern.

"Mhm, you can use those too," I say responding after putting together a coherent sentence.

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