Are You Acting Like A Brat?

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DreamXD POV.

Why is he acting like such a brat! One day he is crying my arms and the next he is being standoffish! I just don't get it, did I do something wrong?

Wait- maybe he- nope no way stop thinking about! But... I can already picture how ho- nope get a grip! You are a god for prime sake!

Maybe I should just ask him if he is a bratty sub. I never thought I would think that.

After Finding Nemo- I Mean Dream

"Dream, can I ask you something?" I ask, I really hope he doesn't think I'm weird if he isn't a brat.

"Sure, what's up?" He responds, honestly looking annoyed.

"Are- Are you a brat or sub, perhaps?" He looks almost petrified like I just explained something in seconds he could never even guess.

"I- maybe? I don't really know," He says. I'm glad he responded truthfully atleast!

"I can help you test some things if you want?" I suggest that to him, but quite honestly I'm just really hoping he doesn't think I'm weird now!

"I mean, if you're willing to. I've never really explored what I wanted other than when you and I did it?" He says, I think he is pondering over what to do now, which is quite understandable.

"Anything for you my little blob!"


"Well yes? If I was willing to give a wh0re like George any items he wanted than you should most definitely get above and beyond!" I explain.

"Than if that's so, can we explore this a bit farther in the bedroom?" He said this with the most innocent look I have ever seen, and it honestly threw me off guard!,

"If that is what you desire, than I would be overjoyed to make it so!" I say finally I really need to stop getting off track when thinking about him and what I want to do to hi- wait stop getting off track again.

I take his waist and pull him over my shoulder walking us up to the bedroom. Just a few more steps and we can explore just a bit more! I set him on the bed and peel off every article of clothing. When I get to where he is usually wearing boxers I see a black pair of lace panties. I think I will leave those on for now.

"What would you like to try first?" I ask him, I couldn't wait for his answer!

"Well we never got around to using those vibrators, maybe we should try that first?" He says, though it sounds more like a question.

"Of course, anything else?" I ask I really want to see just how many fantasies I can get through and how many more will come after.

"I really liked the silk ropes, can we do something with them again?" He asks, looking quite deep in thought for someone who is about to get f_cked.

"Haha, of course we can do more with the silk. They aren't just there for keeping you to the headboard comfortably! I could wrap you up in a way that makes it easier for me, if you would be a doll and let me?" I suggest, I hope he says yes! It makes it like ten times easier for me.

"Sure! I'm not the best with these things so if it makes it easier than definitely!" He says in a happy tone.

"Prime! do I love you so much Dream!" I say loudly grabbing the things he requested.


Ya'll are gonna have to wait a bit longer for the next part but I promise it won't be as short! I never do my smexy scenes short! Love you and remember to correct me on grammar!
                                              -Love Caen 🤍

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