Vibrators and Silk

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DreamXD POV.

I caress Dream as I slowly tie him up with the silk rope. He truly is beautiful, I can see his eyes watching every movement I make and every pull at the silk ropes.

"Do you want the vibrators before or after?" I ask the man currently blushing beneath me. He looks down for a second before looking at me again.

"How about both?" He suggests, looking me in the eyes with a playful smirk. His eyes flashing mischievously, the dim light making his toxic green eyes glow. I grin at him and begin the next step.

I finally finished tying him up. His arms above his head, tied to the headboard. His delicate legs pulled up, while his eyes are covered by the blindfold.

I pulled out the vibrator from its designated box and slowly pushed it in. His light whimpers and groans sounding like a perfect symphony, designed for my ears. His face was lightly blushed over as I pressed the vibrator in fully. I press it farther until he moans. I then pull out my fingers but leave the vibrator in and reach for the remote.

Dream POV.

I feel him pull his fingers out after placing the vibrator right on my pr0state. I still don't know how he finds it so easily.

I hear a small click and immediately feel immense pleasure. I can't hold in my moans very well, and they end up coming out as whimpers.

I hear a second small click from somewhere in the room, and the pleasure just keeps coming. A third click, man he gets bored of one setting quickly!

A fourth click and a slight chuckle are heard next, definitely from the end of the bed. A fifth click, and I am rightfully hard, the moans are no longer being suppressed.

I hear a sixth click right next to me now, and suddenly I feel hands tracing my hips and lower body. The hands slowly make their way to my chest and stomach. My stomach is very sensitive so any touch there can leave me shivering.

The seventh click is next, and his tongue is now on my chest. His hands roaming my body, and his mouth moved from my nipple to my abdomen and then to my v-line. It feels so good!

DreamXD POV.

"A-agh! XD, more!" He begs, his begging is so... so alluring! I can't help but look at every detail my little angel can give me. His heavy breathing and whimpering as I lick his stomach and chest.

"Of course, my favorite little blob," I say, responding after admiring his beauty. I turn up the intensity of the vibrator to the eighth level. His moans don't sound confined at all at this point, I suppose, though, that he doesn't really have anything to help keep them in.

I can see his lovely thighs twitching and trembling. He truly is the most beautiful creature I have ever laid eyes on, it also helps that he is spread open to me. I suppose I should turn up the intensity.

"Ah~! XD! This feels so good! I never thought I would- mhm~ enjoy s3x~!" He moans out, the lewdness in his voice ever present. I'm going to torture those terrible men. No one shall escape my wrath to protect Dream.

His breathing has become increasingly erratic, and he is quite hard... I want to tease him some more. I clicked up to the last setting. His moans and groans, his whimpering and trembling form beneath me all tied up in such an arousing position, I could just gobble him up!

I reach up to his face with one hand and hold his waist with the other, kissing him softly. However, that fluffy and soft little kiss didn't last for long as I quickly "added some spice," so to say.

He tried his best to win against my tongue, but he just wasn't in a very stable place to do so. I begin to lightly trace shapes into his stomach, taking my hand away from his waist.

"XD! I- I need- agh!" He muttered out, getting flustered before moaning. His face got considerably more red, and was unable to ask for what he needed. Perhaps he found his own question to be embarrassing.

"It's alright, Darling~, just tell me what you need," He squirmed as I said this. Tilting his head in my general direction he was able to just barely get out the words-

"XD, p-please touch me! I'm so close!"

I wasn't expecting him to actually be able to speak, but atleast I now know what he needs!

"Of course, my little blob!" I responded, taking in his beauty for just a couple seconds longer. I moved my hands to his throbbing c0ck, as I gently went up and down. Prec_m is leaking from the tip as I watch him shake in pleasure.

"Agh~! XD!" He moaned as white ribbons coat my chest. I slip off the silk covering his eyes so that I can see that toxic green as I remove the vibrator and silk.

Dreams POV.

I felt his hands take the ribbon off of my eyes. I slowly open my eyes to the dimly lit room, as I'm still moaning from the pleasure happening in the lower half of my body, since he never turned of the vibrator.

I see him reach over, and as he holds and caresses one of my cheeks i can feel him slowly pull on the vibrator.

"I hear you my dear, just a bit more," He says in a sing-song like voice. He finally pulls out the vibrator and I let out a sigh and close my eyes.

"Oh hun, I'm not done yet!" I hear him say that and immediately reopen my eyes. I look up and see him smirking.
"If that's alright with you," I nod slowly.

I feel him prod at my overstimulated h0le. I moan again as I feel him slowly push in.

"Traffic lights?" He asks.

"Mhm~ Sure," I respond, I hope that I don't have to use the traffic light safewords other than green- and now he is fully in!

"Color, my dear?" He asks again, checking in on me.

"Agh-! G-green," I mutter out as he slowly thrusted. I see him smirking and know what I just got into.

I felt every movement as he slowly speeded up. He was rubbing circles with his thumbs into my waist as he used my waist to thrust faster. My moaning was loud, but I could still just barely hear the sound of skin slapping against skin.

"XD! I-i~ Ah~!" I moaned, unable to speak properly no matter how hard I tried. I could feel my mind getting hazy at the pleasure.

I felt him speed up and heard him groan slightly as he did, I knew he was getting close, and I was coming up on my second orgasm for the night. I could feel myself begin to pass out, the overstimulation getting to me. I could hear him chuckle before I passed out.

DreamXD POV.

I chuckled softly as I saw him pass out, I had quite literally just fucked him to sleep. But now I'm need to think on what to do with those that hurt my little blob.

I would have to try to speak to Dream about who this "Flame" is. I began to untie the silk from around Dream watching as he still trembled slightly at my touch even in his sleep.

When I got him untied, I just left myself in him. I moved us gently so that he could lay on my chest and abdomen, I didn't want to crush him in his sleep.

"Good night, my little blob!" I whispered soothingly into his ear before drifting off to sleep myself.


Hello my lovelies! I am so sorry for the wait! I and my husband have been busy and he has to carry me most the time for reasons... So thank you for waiting!

                                               -Love Caen🤍

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