The big bad hybrid

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𝒩𝑜 𝑜𝓃𝑒

To say Friday woke up with a serious headache was an understatement. She opened her eyes and with a shiver she realised, she had no idea where she was.

Friday slowly, moved her right hand but it felt like her hand was weighing a ton. The black haired teen rocked her body left and right, she was trying to get on her stomach to support her self, when she finally managed to turn on her stomach to the right side, her body didn't stop and kept sliding down.

Unfortunately soon enough, there was no surface underneath her body anymore, so she fell down into a hard concrete with a thud.

Klaus Mikealson was walking to the cafe to meet his friend, Marcel called him earlier about some missing vampires, and he was supposed to help him find them.

Not that he would after all, Klaus burned them to crisp after the attack on his unborn child....yeah and Hayley.

He passed an alleyway, that smelled a little bit like blood when he heard a thud. He vamp speed to the noise and discovered a black haired girl, on her back, in a puddle of blood.

Normally he would just walk the other way but he really wanted an excuse as to why he was late to talk with Marcel.

He crouched next to her and jabbed her with his pointer finger

"Hey love, need a hand?" He had his signature smirk on his lips, when unexpectedly a hand shot up from the body before him and hit him in the face.

Klaus moaned from the pain and fell on his butt, while the mysterious girl, spirited to her feet in a fighting stance, her body awkwardly shook side to side, with her scrunched up face, that indicates she not only has a headache and but also her balance is an issue for her.

He immediately stood up while holding his broken nose, the hybrid was furious. He was about to start shouting when the girl looked him in the eyes and immediately bowed her whole upper body into a perfect 90 degrees angle, her dark black hair falling over her shoulders.

"My sincerest apologies for punching you, I am slightly beside my senses, however I do know that is no excuse"
Klaus was just staring at her with the most dumb looking face he ever had.

"so please accept my apologies, and let me make it up to you"
She finished her little speech and shot right back into a perfect stance. The hybrid was completely thrown off guard by her stone cold face.

"I don't need you to make it up to me" He snarled and swiftly turned around, he wanted to forget this awkward and humiliating moment, if Rebekah ever found out about this he wouldn't hear the end of it for the rest of his life.
He walked out of the alley to the bar where Marcel was waiting for him.

The big bad hybrid, punched in the face by a half conscious girl, that later decided to pity him and 'make it up to him'

How ridiculous does that sound!

Unfortunately he didn't notice the girl following him. Her steps ware so quiet even his supernatural hearing didn't pick it up.

When he went to grab the doorknob on the door that let to the bar, someone else snacked it in the last second and swung it open.

In alarm, Klaus took two streps back and turned to see the mysterious girl from the alleyway.

"Allow me" she said, her tone alluring and smooth like honey. The hybrid was officially creeped out, how did he not hear her? Why did she follow him? Is she trying to get him to trust her?

He got snapped out of his thoughts by a coughing from behind him, looks like he was blocking the door for a while now, "scram" hissed Klaus at the impatient couple behind him, his eyes ware surrounded by dark veins and his irises flashed gold.

The couple ware stuttering, their eyes blinking like broken records, playing the same thing over and over again, The hybrid didn't have any patience and his annoyance skyrocketed, he just wanted to get this sorted out with Marcel and leave to his plans.

Klaus walked through the door, and he immediately saw Marcel at the far corner of the bar away from eavesdropping ears and curious eyes.

"Hello Marcellus" greeted the hybrid, Marcel sent one of his signature grins in return, but it soon turned upside down when he saw a goth girl behind his mentor.

"Who is that?"

"Who?" Klaus turned and hold behold, behind him was that girl, again. How does she sneak up behind him?!

He turned back to Marcel "just ignore her" He sat down "she has been following me for at least 30 minutes" grumbled the hybrid with a big frown adoring his face.

Marcel raised his eyebrows, since when does the hybrid let anyone that annoyed him live?

"Well now, let's discuss business, shall we?"

╔═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╗

Words: 891

Published: 22.5.2023

Edited: -

If you could be any creature from the TVD universe? Which creature would you be?

Sorry about the wait, I have important exams next week, so I gotta study for my finals and there won't be any updates until I finish them.

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