Pride special 🏳️‍🌈

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I was on my way to meet the Mikealsons, when I noticed two girls sitting on a bench, holding hands and wearing bright rainbow colours.
My stomach did a twist at the colourful palette, yet some higher power made me captive by it.

Curiosity is for people who end up dead, but there is nothing I want more then that.

So with that, my curiosity won over me and I walked up to them.
"Hello, excuse my boldness, but may I ask why are you wearing such...sickly sweet colours?" I asked and with much less venom then  I normally use, they don't seem like people who can stomach harsh words.

Though for some reason I have no desire to be harsh.

"Oh there is no need to be shy hon!" Smiled brightly the blonde, while the redhead next to her seemed to shrink slightly as to not drawn attention to herself "it's Pride Month!" She answered cheerfully "the month where everyone can love anyone! The month where we support each other!" The blonde threw her arms up in excitement almost hitting the redhead.

"Oh my gosh sweetie did I hit you?" The girl started fussing ever her redhead companion, I for some reason liked the idea of this month, of course the colours are worse then the tombstone choice of my great aunt Gerda, she really lacked the Addams taste.

"That's not terrible" I paused "are you two apart of that month?" I ask questions and yet I still didn't introduce myself, dad would be disappointed.

"Please excuse my rudeness I neglected to introduce myself to you" I say and do a quick bow "My name is Friday Addams" I straighten my back and wait for their response.

"Oh no you are not rude at all!" Said the blonde "my name is Charlie and this is my girlfriend Vanessa" says the blonde now know as Charlie while wrapping her arms around Vanessa.

"And to answer your question yea! We are apart of it, but you probably guessed that when I said girlfriend" laughed Charlie, Vanessa was strangely quiet, I guess she didn't like new people, as if Charlie was reading my mind she answered "please don't think bad about Vani over here! She is just introverted around new people, but I promise she is the greatest when you get to know her!"

Charlie may have not noticed but I saw Vanessa crack a smile and her eyes brightened, I didn't have to be an expert in love to know Vanessa loved Charlie, she just didn't show it like her.

"It's alright, I would like to get to know you both better if that's what you are comfortable with" I say and wait for them to answer "I have no problem! What about you sweetheart?" Charlie asked and Vani gave a curl nod.

I sat down next to Charlie and we started talking, it took some time but eventually Vanessa started to open up and she actually loved my view on poetry.

Charlie was telling me about her doing face painting and she asked if I wanted something small to be an 'ally' and I decided against my dark souls wish to agree.

I got a pride flag on my cheek even though it had bright colours it was not that bad, I exchanged numbers with them and left, I was late to meet the Mikealsons, even though they are always late besides Eli, I pride myself on my ability to be everyone before everyone.

After a slow paced run, I walked into the compound and everyone was just staring their eyes glued to me, "what is the trouble?" I asked them and Kol answered "there appears to be something on you cheek" he sped to me with a wet cloth "let me help you get it off" he went to do that but I swatted his hand away.

I stepped back and answered him with my voice venomous like my brothers tarantula "it's called a style of pride, it's something you always lack" I turned around and walked to the couch next to Bekah and Hayley.

They both did the high-five thing with me and I saw from the corner of my eye Klaus laughing and Elijah hiding his smile behind the newspaper he was reading.

╔═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╗

Words: 767

Published: 7.6.2023

Edited: -


What's your sexuality? And what do you think Friday's is?
So I know you are waiting on an update but for now enjoy this mini special for all my pride babies out there!
Also guess who passed their graduation exams? I DID!!!

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