chapter seven

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Y/N has been living in the quote unquote "slaughterhouse" for afew months now, and has gotten closer with the slashers,

him and ghostface had always been the closest, referring to eachother as "dude" and having dumb arguments about nothing and then getting high and crying into eachothers arms.

Hannibal was always there for Y/N to talk too, at first Y/N was reluctant to talk about certain things, but later turned to trust Hannibal about some of his thoughts and past.

Bubba was extremely shy around Y/N, but soon they both bonded, Y/N helped Bubba feel more feminine and Bubba appreciates that.

Y/N and Jason had this thing, every Sunday morning they would both go on a walk in the woods, Jason would check the bear traps and made sure there were no trespassers as Y/N would follow behind and ramble about anything that was on her mind, from celebrity crushes to embrassing childhood memories, it was just their thing.

Michael was kind of tricky for Y/N to bond with at first, Y/N just assumed he didn't care for her and left it at that, until one night Y/N came back to the slaughterhouse a complete mess, mascara and tears staining her face, she doesn't even remember why she was crying, because she was heavily drunk aswell, no one else was awake, except for Michael, he went into the kitchen to find Y/N on the floor silently weeping,

Michael patted Y/Ns back as she wept, then when she passed out from exhaustion, Michael carried her to bed, no words were said that night.

Michael did care :)

Billy and Y/N were friendly with eachother, if you put both them and ghostface in a room alone together, chaos would persure, they were a dangerous trio actually, they would all usually get high together and do dumb shit, Micheal locks them out of the house until they sober up.

Brahms and Y/N were movie buddies, every night before bed , they would sit in bed together and watch a movie, usually Y/Ns favourites, they also watched really bad movies and made fun of them together.

No one could tell if Freddy and Y/N were actually friends or not

Sometimes they would sit next to eachother and have civilised conversations, next thing you know
Y/N is threatening to stick a knife up Freddy's ass just because he had the last bagel.

One time, Ghostface and Freddy were arguing , and then ghostface called Freddy a bitch


both boys turned to see Y/N with his arms crossed,

"Only I get to call Freddy a bitch"

"Well what about dickface?" Ghostface asked

"Hmm, I like dickface.. that name Is mine too actually, just now I decided that only I can call him dickface and bitch"

Freddy felt very degraded that night

He may have cried a little.

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