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4| Atlas: Coffee as dark as your soul

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If I had a dollar for every time I crossed paths with Evelyn at the most inconvenient of times, I would be a fucking billionaire.

Like today, when I met her at the coffee shop near the rink at 6:00 a.m. 6:00 a.m.! Why the fuck did she drink coffee at 6:00 a.m.?

I just wanted to spend some time alone in peace and contemplate where the heck my life was going but nope! As soon as I entered the almost empty shop, my gaze fell on the slender figure standing at the counter and the moment I saw her reddish hair, I wanted to laugh out loud.

Of course, it would be her. The one unwanted constant in life for the past three years. It was like she had super glued herself to my life and I got its reminder every now and then.

A part of me wanted to turn around and leave but I had already opened the door. The bell above it had jingled and already announced my presence. I even made eye contact with the girl handling the counter. I couldn't leave now. And more importantly, I refused to leave because of her.

Besides, the shop was still pretty much empty because it was literally the ass crack of dawn for college students. Only weirdos were up and running this early without a reason. Weirdos like her.

Taking a deep breath, I walked in but stood a few feet away from her, waiting for her to get done so I could go up to the counter. Maybe she wouldn't notice me at all. Or maybe she would take her coffee and leave. Who knows? A man could hope though.

But just like always, my plan to stay discreet didn't work as the barista gave me a wide smile. "What can I get you?" she asked.

Evelyn looked over her shoulder and her expression morphed into one of misery. Well, the feelings were mutual. Ignoring her, I returned the barista's smile. "Caffe latte with cream," I said and the barista went to get it ready for me.

Evelyn looked shocked and she stared at me with a funny look. "What?" I seethed.

"Nothing," she said, shrugging. "Just surprised that you don't drink coffee as dark as your soul."

An amused laugh left my mouth. "In that case, you should be drinking the bitter espresso to match your bitter existence."

She whirled around to fully face me and I braced myself for a fight but before we could get into it, the barista came back with my order. "Here," she said and I picked it up with a thank you. I ignored Evelyn and walked past her to sit at the table in the corner at the back.

The shop had a mix of modern and vintage style interiors with lemon yellow walls and one too many potted plants. It was like the owner could only think of plants when it came to decorative items. Given its small size, the number of tables was less. So they had gotten creative and attached a counter-like board to one of the glass walls beside the door and put bar stools there.

At the back, they had an elongated couch that ran from end to end. Four tiny, square tables were set up in front of it at a distance from each other with similar tiny chairs opposite them. Only two people could occupy one table and I loved it. It was a place for alone time. Some peace and quiet. That's why I used to come here. However, today a certain redhead was ruining it for me.

I placed my coffee on the table, took off my gym bag to keep it on the couch, and sat down. Taking a sip, I let out a sigh. At first, I never understood when people said that they couldn't function without coffee but now I wholeheartedly agreed. It was the only thing that kick-started my brain these days.

Whipping my phone out, I started going through my emails and texts. Then proceeded to go through my calendar to cross out everything that was done and add the things that I had to do.

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