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29| Atlas: I loved pushing Evelyn's buttons

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I think I'd figured out why I loved pushing Evelyn's buttons so much. She just looked so adorable when her eyes got all big as she glared daggers and her mouth formed into a kissable pout. The entertainment from having a verbal volley with her that more often than not led to mind-blowing sex was an added bonus.

"Do you feel any shame at all?" Evelyn asked, glaring at me with her pretty eyes.

I pretended to think for a bit before clicking my tongue. "Nah. Not unless I'm doing something shameful. Which I usually don't do."

She groaned in frustration, her cheeks tinted pink as a woman passed by us, giving us the side eye. She stomped toward me, her lips pursed in a flat line. "This is a lingerie store for God's sake! Can't you wait for me outside at least? Everyone is staring at us," she hissed.

"No can do," I said, turning to another rack of clothes. "What if you buy something cheap just to get out of this? You told me to buy you a new bra since I ripped yours so I'm doing just that. Now look over here, they have some good-looking stuff in lace."

"You are impossible!" she huffed, turning around to go the other way.

Deciding to give her some space, I lingered near the rack of colorful bras while Evelyn checked out the other racks. She kept picking things up only to keep them down after seeing the price tag. For all the talk about making me regret ripping her favorite bra, she was thinking a little too much about my expenses.

I heaved a sigh when she did the same thing for the fifth time in a row. Maybe I should pick something for her on my own.

I looked around and caught the saleswoman's eye, beckoning her over. She immediately made her way to me with a bright smile on her face. "How can I help you sir?"

"Hi, you see my girlfriend over there? The one with pretty reddish hair?"

The word girlfriend slipped from my mouth with ease and surprisingly I liked the way it sounded. Something to unpack later.

The saleswoman looked past my shoulder, nodding when she spotted Evelyn. "She is having a bit of trouble making a choice. Could please go help her? Maybe show her something that she would like?" I asked.

She beamed. "Of course."

I watched her approach Evelyn and immediately distract her with all the options. Ensured that Evelyn was occupied, I slipped to the other part of the store, selecting things that Evelyn had picked up before. I also got a few more things of my choice, hoping she would wear them someday. And maybe show me too. Especially the lacy red corset set.

My phone pinged in my jeans pocket and I took it out to see a text from Evelyn.

Evelyn: Where are you? I'm heading to checkout.

I stood on my tip-toes to search for Evelyn and found her an aisle over with the saleswoman, heading toward the checkout counter. I rushed to gather the remaining stuff, throwing in some more pieces of lingerie before following after them.

As I had suspected, there was only one thing on the counter when I reached there. Even the saleswoman looked disappointed that after all her efforts Evelyn had got only one item. And I could bet that it was the cheapest of the lot.

"We are taking these too. Please pack them and ring them on my card," I said, handing her my card along with everything I had selected. Evelyn's eyes widened but I ignored the pleading look she was giving me.

"Sure." The saleswoman, looking much happier now, got to work.

"Have you lost your mind? Do you know how much that's gonna cost? Everything is so expensive here," Evelyn hissed, coming to stand beside me.

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