AI Universe

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(It says 940 words here, but I checked it with a word counter and in Google Docs and it says 1006. I don't know if it's correct or not :(( )


My name is Melissa, and my job is to travel and research multiverses. AI appears to have taken over the world in this universe. You don't even know whether something was built by hand or by AI. I've heard that some people use an AI chip.

This chip is thought to have many applications, including superhuman intelligence, immortality, and a built-in lie detector. You could also have powers if you wanted to. This device, believe it or not, was also created by AI.

I stood in front of the entrance to the world's largest corporation, AI Tech. Moving up and down the stairs were floating bots and humans.

"Hello! Is this your first day here as well?" A man questioned.

"Oh, hello! Yes, it's also my first day." I replied

"Really? Tester or Techai?" He asked again

"I'm a Tester." I said


"SAME AHHHH." I replied

"I didn't get to introduce myself properly, my name is Mark. What about yours?" Mark said

"Oh, my name is Melissa. Nice to meet you Mark!" I said

"I didn't get to properly introduce myself, my name is Mark, and what about yours?" Mark said.

"Nice to meet you as well. Let's go, we're going to be late!!" Mark greeted me enthusiastically as he dragged me up the stairs.

As we enter the building, we are both taken aback by what we see inside.

Nicole, a friendly Techai, greeted Mark and me.

"Is this your first trip?" The helpful employee inquired


"Then welcome to your new job! Allow me to show you around before you begin!" She responded

Nicole took us on a tour of the facility. It was quite large and appealing. I was still unsure what she wanted us to do. But I have a clue? I was still dazed, but I took notes to show to my boss in the other world.

"Melissa?" Mark inquired, snapping his fingers.

"Yes?!" I responded back. I was taken aback by his voice.

"It's our turn!" "Get up!" As he shook me back and forth, he said

"Yes, yes. I'm up." I stated while feeling tired.

My sleepiness vanished as we entered the testing room. What I witnessed astounded me. They were employing cutting-edge technology.

"Could you please lie down?" Nicole asked

Mark and I lay down on the beds while the bots injected us with anesthesia and something to put us to sleep.

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