Hug Me- Mountain x Reader

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[Slight angst to Fluff]
[TWs Slight Panic Attack]

I was sat, curled up in my bathroom, knees tucked up to my chest while I tried to calm my breathing. A party was soon to approach later that night and I wasn't prepared for it. I had my outfit and accessories already set out and ready for me to wear, but the nervousness and anxiety was starting to catch up to me. I honestly wasn't sure whether or not I could make it to the part, but Mountain had invited me and I didn't want to disappoint the tall earth Ghoul. With a shaky breath I used the ledge of the sink to support my weight as I stood to my feet.

I looked at myself in the mirror, stopping for a moment to try and fix my hair a bit. Resting my shaking hands down onto the sides of my sink, I shut my eyes, trying to ground myself. The sound of faint knocking broke me out of my trance like state. It took me a moment to process that the knocking came from my bedroom door. Flicking the bathroom light off and rushing out of my bathroom I opened my door, being greeted by Mountain who flashed me a small smile as his greeting.

"Oh, hello Mountain! I was just about to get ready, come on in. It'll only take me a few minutes to get dressed." I stepped aside, allowing the tall earth Ghoul to enter my room. I smiled back at him when he shut my bedroom door.

"So what brings you here to my room, we still have about an hour left until the part starts." I grab my outfit, draping it in my arms. "I wanted to come and check up on you."

I lightly hummed in acknowledgment, hanging my clothes on my towel rack so I could grab them easier. "You know you don't have to go right? I could sense your nervousness down in my room."

I tensed up, fidgeting with my fingers out of habit. "No, no it'll be fine Mountain. I agreed didn't I?" I looked over at the Ghoul who seemed unconvinced by my response. "Dear, don't lie to me. I know your emotions better than you, I also know where you draw the line to social interactions and this party is bordering it."

My gaze fell onto the floor, suddenly finding interest in the white tiles that covered the bathroom floor. I could hear shifting in the room in front of me. Footsteps approached my position and I know Mountain had gotten out of the chair he had originally been sitting in so he could walk over to me. I looked up at earth Ghoul as he placed his large hands comfortingly on either side of my shoulders. His expression was unreadable as he always kept a stoic look on his face, making it difficult to tell what he was thinking.

"You shouldn't feel the need to force yourself to do something, especially if someone asks you." Mountain moved a hand up to cup the side of my face. "I know, but what if this could be good for me?"

Mountain let out a huff. "Forcing yourself to go to a party where ever a hundred people are attending is not going to be good for you." He removed his hands so he could guide me out of my bathroom. "If you want to become more social I suggest taking a smaller step. You got nervous going down to breakfast."

I opened my mouth in an attempt of protest but I couldn't find the words to defend myself. "I want you to take small steps, work yourself up before thrusting yourself into something big such as this party." I turned to look up at Mountain. "I know I invited you to this party, but I never said we had to attend it. Besides it's not mandatory that I be there, so it'll be fine."

I let out a relieved sigh, my biggest worry was that it was mandatory that Mountain was it that party. He must've noticed my worry towards that cause, which would've explained why he reassured me about it. With a few smooth movements the earth Ghoul hooked an arm under my knees and used his free arm to hold my back, holding me to his chest in bridal style. I made no noise, not processing what had just happened, but my arms still flew up and wrapped around Mountain's neck in surprise.

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