Hah karma-Sodo x Reader

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"What in the actual fuck was that shit move!" I yelled out, looking over at the fire Ghoul who was laughing maniacally at my sudden outburst. "It's called actually being good at the game!" Sodo retorted, finally calming from his high.

The two of us were currently in an intense match of jenga and Sodo had pulled an asshole move of pulling out the last easy block to remove, leaving me, with all the difficult moves to play. With a loud obnoxious groan I leaned back, ultimately accepting my demise. My hands covered my face while I sat there, slouched in my chair in defeat. After a few moments I sat up, a scowl on my face as I glared daggers at Sodo who was still snickering at what he had done. Flipping him off I stood up, walking away from the Ghoul who was left stuttering and shouting at my sudden leave.

I didn't have a set destination, but all I knew is that I wanted to get away from Sodo and his egotistical behavior. Eventually heading over to Mountain who was baking some sort of desert in the kitchen, I sat at the counter, resting my chin on the palm of my hand.

"What're you making?" I asked, hoping I didn't accidentally scare the earth Ghoul by my sudden appearance, but thankfully I didn't.

Seeing Mountain turn to look down at me, hesitating to speak at first as he was most likely wondering why I wasn't playing jenga with Sodo. "Let me guess, he beat you again?" At the mention I let out another long and dragged out groan, which was a dead giveaway as to what the answer was. I watched as Mountain simply shook his head with a light laugh.

"To answer your question, I'm currently baking blueberry muffins, I know they're your favorite and I decided to take a try and make them. Obviously adding my own twist to the recipe." Mountain grinned at my reaction, my mood shifting automatically to a more excited one than the current one I had been in. That was until I stopped to think, trying to remember whether or not I had actually told Mountain what my favorite muffins were, and when.

"How did you-" I was rudely cut off by Sodo who had run up behind me, draping himself dramatically across my back. "Why'd you leave? I was having fun watching you admit defeat, again!" The fire Ghoul had purposely made his words pop louder than necessary to properly announce his smug victory.

I snorted out a laugh at Mountain who had begun to shoo Sodo away, as if he was a fly trying to get a small meal out of food that was left out. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little grateful for Mountain's actions. After all, the small Fire Ghoul had been pestering me the whole day. It had almost become some sort of ritual, I'd wake up, check in with papa, begin my work, sometimes talk to one of the Ghouls or Ghoulettes, come down to the Ghouls quarters at the end of the day and hang out, all while being bombarded by questions, or just about anything from Sodo. At first it was strictly forbidden that anyone besides papa come down, but after a while of getting close to the Ghouls, he had eventually allowed me to start coming down to their quarters to visit.

Glancing over at the three Ghoulettes who were cuddling each other, silently bickering over something, but had a small outburst that had drawn my attention, only for my gaze to eventually fall on Sodo who had sat down on the couch, arms crossed and head drooped, I could tell the Ghoul was dramatically pouting to get some form of attention. Sodo must've sensed my eyes on his small frame, because he had turned to look over at me, a large pathetic frown on his face. With a scoff and a roll of my eyes I got up, bidding farewell to Mountain before I waltzed over to Sodo. Plopping myself down besides him, I deadpanned at his struggled containment of excitement over the fact that I had come over to him.

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