Diamond Eyes- Rain x Mountain

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Wandering the ministry halls, Rain sought out the safety of his room. It was eerily quiet in the night and admittedly he felt uncomfortable alone. The water ghoul padded his way across the stone floor, his tail swaying in sync with his movements. With a soft tap of his claws clinking against each other every few seconds while he fidgeted with his hands.

Grumbling softly to himself, he continued his descent into the basement. Rounding corners and weaving through halls, the bassist finally find himself in front of a room door. It wasn't his room, but I was Mountain's room.

Rain let out a soft sigh before rising a shaking hand. The small tingling feeling of pain echoed through his knuckles as he knocked on the door. Standing in silence for a few seconds, the water ghoul wondered if it'd be best if he simply turned and left now.

"Rain? What are you doing up at this time?"

Rain's heart skipped a beat as he stared up at the tall earth ghoul in a startled manner. He hadn't heard Mountain open or even unlock the door. So to say this was a surprise to him was an understatement. With a shaky breath he offered a nervous smile to the earth ghoul who merely shook his head and stepped to the side.

"Sorry.. I couldn't sleep..."

Slipping into the room, Rain could immediately feel his nerves begin to fall away from him. He always felt at peace within the safety of Mountain's room. Maybe it was because it was more secluded, or possibly because he knew that the tall earth ghoul would be there to support or protect him if anything went wrong.

"No need to apologize my little diamon eyed ghoul. I understand you have difficulties sleeping so you don't have to say sorry.. Is there anything I can help you with though? Maybe some tea? Crackers?"

Rain shook his head, declining both offers. Peering down at his hands, he fought the urge to do grabby hands. Maybe that was just his lack of ability to properly express his emotions in words. Thankfully, Mountain must've picked up on what he wanted. Which had led to him being lifted up and being held close to the earth ghoul's chest as he carried him over to the massive emerald green moon chair that Mountain kept in the corner of his room.

He'd be lying to himself if he tried to deny the fact that his tail was wagging happily as he was sat in Mountain's lap. Feeling arms wrap around his waist, Rain leaned into the giant earth ghoul. Seeking comfort in the drummer's warmth, comfort he was quick to find.

"Thank you.."

Resting his head on Mountain's chest, Rain let out a deep breath, allowing himself to finally relax. A low purr was pulled from his vocal chords as he felt the large claws of the earth ghoul begin to lightly scratch at the base of his horns. His body went slack in response to the sensations coursing through his body.

"No need to thank me, Rain."

It was almost not noticeable, the way Mountain's tail glided alongside Rain's before intertwining with the water ghoul's tail. Rain couldn't have asked for a better way to fall asleep, because this was absolutely perfect for him.

With Mountain's claws scratching at the base of his horns and running through his hair. Tails intertwined and lightly tapping against each other with whatever their tails could do to wag and the sounds of their combined purrs. Arms wrapped securely around each other, and satisfied smiles adorning both of their faces. Everything felt just right.

Any traces of anxiety of uncomfortable feelings that Rain had once felt, were wiped clean. Mountain was to thank for that. If he could, or ever got the chance to properly repay that earth ghoul to his fullest, he'd do it in a heartbeat. He owes everything to Mountain for always being there for him. He wouldn't trade him for the world.

Tilting his head up, he looked upwards to Mountain's face. He looked so calm and at peace. Rain couldn't blame him, especially not now. Feeling his eyes cross a bit as he watched the earth ghoul lean forward and place a gentle kiss on the tip of his nose. He could feel his heart melt immediately. Rain knew that Mountain showed his affection in small special little ways, but he'd never get used to it. He hoped he never did.

"Try and get some rest, alright? It's late and you need some sleep."

The water ghoul knew Mountain was right, but he didn't want to sleep, not anymore. Rain wanted the moment to last as long as possible, but he knew better then to try and stay up. That wasn't something he could physically do, not now.

With a huff he leaned forward and lightly headbutted Mountain, their horns clanking against each others. It was Rain's special way of showing affection, call it his love language if you must.

"Good night..."

His voice was just barely above a whisper. Rain rested his head back on Mountain's chest.

"Good night my little Raindrop.. Sleep well, I'll be here when you wake."

"I'll always be here for you."

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