Pushing My Love - Sodo x Swiss

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The sound of his shoes tapping against the floor as he walked off stage filled Sodo's ears. A heavy frown was set on his face. The ritual had gone wonderfully so that wasn't the problem, what was his problem was the massive headache that was pounding against the walls of his head, alongside the neck cramps that were scratching away at his nerves. He trudged into one of the changing rooms backstage and sluggishly stripped of his confining clothes. 

The lead guitarist's muscles were sore and cramped. Specifically the tendons in the back of his neck. Sodo wouldn't be at all surprised if he had gotten a pinched nerve from how much it hurt to even try to slowly swivel his head around. He repeatedly grumbled to himself the whole time he changed. The ghoul hadn't cared much to wait on the others, he was simply focused on getting back to the hotel and into one of those stiff beds. Sure as hell was better than nothing. 

That was one thing he would never understand. In the fuck do hotels manage to find the stiffest pillows and mattresses to mankind? Are they purposely trying to send people to the damn chiropractor after feeling like their spine had popped out in all sorts of ways. Every time he slept on a hotel mattress the more back problems he had. Not to mention the occasional scares he's gotten from a random fucking piss spots on the sheets.

Hotels were not pleasant, whatsoever. Unless you got the high up, extremely pricey rooms that had a whole ass window view of the city. Copia didn't let them sleep in a piss poor hotel room, but he certainly didn't really get them all that high of an upper class hotel room either. It was better than nothing, and at least he didn't have to deal with piss spots anymore.

How long has he been thinking about piss spots on a hotel mattress? Because he sure as hell didn't remember when he boarded the tour bus. He also didn't remember Swiss fucking dragging him around.

"Can you let go?" Sodo hissed out as he snatched his wrist away from Swiss. His eyes narrowed and a downwards curl of his lips showed his pissy mood off to the multi ghoul. "What's got your panties in a twist?"

At the question the guitarist immediately turned on his heels and walked away. Sure, he loved Swiss, but he wasn't dealing with that right now. Not with the brain disintegrating and skull fucking headache he had. Which was why he was going to raid Copia's mini pharmacy under his bathroom sink.

Sodo landed a jackpot when he found the Tylenol, or what he loved to call, "adult skittles." Popping the lid off the bottle and pouring two of the tablets out into his hand, he wore a satisfied grin on his face. Putting the lid back on and placing the Tylenol away. He gathered up the saliva in his mouth and used it to help swallow the pills down. Probably would've been better if he drank water because now he can feel the lingering sensation of one of the Tylenol tablets gritting caught on his throat, but oh well. That was the least of his concerns. If he choked and died on a Tylenol tablet, then at least he wouldn't have a headache fucking his brain out of commission.

Whatever glimpse of joy he had was quickly washed away when Swiss came up behind him and lifted him off the ground. Sodo kicked his feet out angrily, scowling at the taller ghoul. "Looks like sparky over here needs a nap." 

"Call me sparky again and I will shove my foot so far up your ass you'll be smelling numbers for the next few weeks." Growled out Sodo. It was clear that Swiss wasn't putting him down anytime soon, so he opted on just dealing with it and seeing what this would lead up to. 

That little evil, angry gremlin glare on his face faded when he was pulled down into a bunk with Swiss. "We've got our own bunks for a reason, Swiss."

"And I don't care. Wanna know why? Because I got my little firecracker next to me." Swiss smiled smugly down at Sodo. 

The fire ghoul had an unamused look on his face, but he'd be lying if he said that he missed being able to cuddle up next to his big oaf of a multi ghoul. "If we got wall barriers or something, I'm blaming it on you because we all know it was you that Copia put those up, Swiss."

He could hear Swiss lightly chuckle under his breath. The sound of the multi ghoul's laughter brought a small smile to his face. What would Sodo do without his block of swiss cheese?

 "Die, probably. Or sulk in your room with all of my favorite soap operas because you just love me that much"  Teased the taller ghoul. Sodo wasn't even the slightest bit surprised that he had spoken his thoughts. Wouldn't be the first time and definitely wouldn't be the last time either.

"You've got a bug for a brain or something if you think I'd ever keep your damn soap operas." At Sodo's words, Swiss dramatically gasped. "I'm hurt! How could you do this to me?"

"Because it's funny and because I can. Now shut up and go to sleep or go whine to someone else, I've got a headache and my neck hurts." Swiss softly hummed in acknowledgment. 

It was peacefully quiet, but then the multi ghoul chose to break the silence. "I love you… But, do you want me to kiss it better for you?"

"Swiss." Warned Sodo as he glared up at the golden-eyed ghoul who nervously smiled back down at him. "I'm sorry love, get some sleep. I'll be here for when you wake up."

"I love you too, Swiss." Mumbled out Sodo. While he drifted off into sleep, he could feel the comforting and warm arms of the multi ghoul wrap around his small body frame

[Small update 🕺]

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