Chapter 5

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I was completely speechless when the nurse laid Nikolai on my chest. He was finally to the required 3 pounds needed for us to hold him, plus an extra 2 ounces!!

All I could think about was him, he was absolutely stunning, and I co-created this gorgeous face.

We spent about 30 minutes holding him, until the nurse came back in.

The twins were climbing and walking all over the place.

"As you know," the nurse started, "the medicine has been helping him a lot. His epilepsy is now completely under control, we never found any signs of meningitis, and his head is shrink significantly from his shunt placement."

"Oh wow that's incredible!" I said.

"If I were to estimate, you should be able to take him home in about 2 weeks. Around his 3 month milestone."

"Fantastic!" Matthew exclaimed.

The nurse then told us to say our goodbyes for the day, and brought him back to the NICU unit.

Just as we were leaving, we heard a terribly blood curdling scream.

That scream was Melanie.

They were rushing her in on a wheelchair, and zooming her into the delivery room.

I told Matthew to take the girls home, and I ran after Melanie.

I ran up to Jaiden, who was standing behind Mel, and patted him on the back, "This is what you missed the first time." I said to him, as Melanie started to have another contraction, and continued with the screaming.

They wheeled her into a room, and sat her on the bed.

She told the doctor, "No matter what, do not give me an epidural." He nodded and walked out.

I stood next to her, grabbed her hand, and gave her a hug.

"You can do this." I said to her, "I promise, you're strong."

She started crying into my shoulder, and then started another contraction.

She squeezed my hand, and I squeezed her arms, trying to release some tension.


After 4 hours of very active labor, and no progress whatsoever, the decided to do an emergency c-section.

Now, Melanie has the biggest fear of needles I've ever seen in a human being, so when the put the catheter in her back, it took Jaiden and I 20 minutes to get her to stop crying.

30 minutes later, all of the pain and suffering was worth it.

Jillian Gray made her entrance into the world at 2:43 a.m.

She was absolutely stunning.

They gave her to dad, and then he handed her to me.

Jaiden grabbed my phone, and snapped a picture, right as she looked like she was smiling.

Matthew texted me an hour later,

Everything going okay?

I sent him the picture. Aunty Dylin!! She's a newborn, and already almost 3 times the size of Nikolai!!!

Wowzers! Congrats to Jai and Mel. When are you coming home?

Jaiden's gonna run me home now, they're staying overnight though.

I hugged Melanie, kissed little miss Jillian, and patted Jaiden on the back as we walked out.

"Wow Dylin, that whole experience was so incredible. I don't think I'll ever be able to apologize enough for missing the girls' birth."

"Oh jeez, trust me, I was WAYYYYY worse than Melanie. I had two 5 pound twins, and completely naturally. Melanie was probably scared out of her mind."

We both laughed as we walked to the car and headed home.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2015 ⏰

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