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"Hello. Mrs. L/n, right?" a male voice asked through her phone.
"Hello. Yes, i believe you are Mr. Nakamura." she said showing a smile, though the male wasn't able to see it.
"Yes. I think you already talked with the boss and got the job." he said.
"Yes, yes. He informed me you would call me." she said.
"As you are in my team and tutoring you, I'd like to know when you arrive in Japan. I must say as well, you speak Japanese really well, are you by any chance Japanese or living in Japan?" he asked out of curiosity.
"Thank you very much, Mr. Nakamura but no i am not japanese and i never living in japan. I took some japanese classes in highschool because i wanted to learn a hard language and to understand the animes i was watching by that time. As a matter a fact, i think i can arrive in Japan by Sunday but if you really need me there, I think I'll be able to come faster, such as Thursday or Friday." she explained to him.
"Whenever you want. It really depends on how you made your plans up." he said.
"I'm sorry, but i don't think you understood me. Do you want me ther by Sunday or Thursday or Friday?" she asked getting somehow annoyed by not giving her a certain answer.
"I think Sunday it's the best option so you can have a free day to see Tokyo and then you can freshly start with Monday and see how things are done here." he said somehow surprised.
"Okay. Can't wait to meet you, Mr. Nakamura. I'll text you the hour when i should arrive." she said ending the call without waiting any type of answer from him.


"What do you mean we won't pick you up from the airport?" Ajax said through the phone.
"I mean that you won't pick me up from the airport." she said rolling her eyes.
"Salty today, are we?" Yakov complained.
"Annoying today, are we?" she said trying to use the same tone he used.
"Y/n trying to speak in Yakov deep voice will be forever iconic." Ajax said laughing.
"Anyways, i have to meet with some guy, uh, Nakamura something. I forgot his name. Let's hope he will introduce himself." she said trying to somehow style her hair so it will be out of her face.
"Oh, that Nakashit boy, he always complains about something. Good thing i only talked with him and not worked." Yakov said causing both of his friends to bust out laughing.
"If he ever makes me annoyed I'll make sure to call him Nakashit. Is he old? Like old or like grandpa style old?" she asked making Ajax die of laughing.
"Just old, Y/n, just old." Yakov said trying to not laugh.
"Now, what type of old, like Yakov type of old or older?" she asked knowing she will annoy Yakov.
"Listen here you little shit. Don't ever call me old again." he said quickly getting annoyed.
"But, man, you are older than me. Like you can be my older brother. Its is still some kind of old, right?" she said with an innocent smile.
"She does have a point." Ajax screamed from somewhere.
"If you ever call me old again, i swear ill break your bones in the most painful way." he said.

One thing that Yakov hates the most it's calling him old. If you know how to deal with his short temper you might trick him and let you live another day.

The first time, Y/n and Yakov meet was in the first day of work in Germany. Yakov had this habit of putting newcomers do a simple tasks for him, such as bringing him water and so, mobody really complained about it until Y/n.

"Mrs. L/n, can you be a sweetheart and bring a cookie and a coffee as well? A ristretto one." Yakov said and quickly got back to what his work was.
"Are you busy?" Y/n asked.
"No. Why?" he looked at her confused.
"Does one of your legs hurt?" she continued ignoring his question.
"No." he started getting more and more confused.
"Then bring your own fucking coffee and cookie. I'm not some kind of a maid to do whatever a lazy and old motherfucker whats." she said with a smirked on her face.
"What did you just call me?" he said looking insulted.
"Lazy and old motherfucker." she said louder this time.
"Oh, you fucking bitch. Who do you call old?" he angrily got up from his seat.

Afterwards, Ajax was the one that had to deal with an angry russian and not Y/n, since she lied that Ajax instructed her to say such things, because Ajax said it was a test that she can only pass in that specific way.

Poor Ajax.

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