Bitter Medicine For Desired Results

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Harry was very nervous, almost to the point of nausea.

He and the rest of the first years were standing in the Great Hall, waiting for their sorting. 

On a three legged stool at the head of the hall, sat a ragged looking witch's hat, patches and frayed threads showing its age quite well. The whole hall was silent, waiting.

A particularly large tear near the brim opened wide and, to the new students' surprise, it began to sing, rather well at that;

I might not be a pretty thing, my years are shown quite plain. But I put to you, to find one better, would be an undue strain.

You can keep your smart round bowlers, and party hats that gleam, for I've more to give then all of them, I'm a one hat thinking team.

As Sorting Hat, I'll search your heads, and find out where you'll fit. A family away from family, are those with whom you'll sit.

Brave Gryffindors; a rowdy bunch, where jokes and laughs abound. Though it t'would be foolish to start a fight With these daring folk around.

Sweet Hufflepuffs; a loyal group, who'll keep your secrets safe. You are sure to be remiss, to under estimate these mates.

Wise Ravenclaws prefer a book, to trouble, and such plights. But if you cross them, do beware, they're capable of many frights.

And Slytherins, of course, are quite a tight knit lot. Their cunning and camaraderie are things that can't be bought.

So come on up, don't be afraid, with me you've not to worry. My choices might seem bizarre, but are not made in a hurry.

It might take a minute, or even two, I've yet to be wrong. It might not be apparent quickly, but the bonds you'll make are strong.

So try me on, don't worry your heads, here you are quite safe. More then just a warm hearth, Hogwarts is a special place.

The entire hall burst into applause, the first years looking around nervously, and the hat bowed to the four tables, before becoming still once more.

So they had to try on the hat? Harry thought to himself, that sounded much easier then some of the ideas the other first years had muttered about while waiting for Professor Mcgonagall. In fact, the only thing that sounded problematic to Harry, was that none of the houses' descriptions seemed like him at all.

He didn't like anything that drew attention to him, as it never ended well for him, and he was only ever loyal to himself, as no one else had ever cared to Talk to him, let alone try to gain his loyalty. They usually just made him listen. Harry didn't consider himself particularly cunning either, and he had never had friends before, so he wasn't sure how camaraderie came into it.

From the Sorting Hat's depiction, Ravenclaw was closest to what Harry preferred, but he wasn't particularly clever, or wise enough for that to be him.

Draco next to him was muttering under his breath. Harry already knew Draco wanted to end up in Slytherin, the Malfoy heir had said it was the best of the houses. As much as Harry wanted to be with his maybe-a-friend, he wasn't the best, so he had no real chance of ending up there.

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