Ch 16 | Entrepreneur

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Y/N's POV:

"Hey there," Jum smiles, opening the passenger door for you. "You look beautiful tonight."

"Thanks," you say shyly, taking his hand so he can help you inside the car. "You look pretty nice yourself."

"That's a great honor, coming from someone like you," he winks, his cheesy lines making your eyes roll.

You're still in your same outfit from earlier when Jimin was over, a red v-neck and black leggings, but you didn't have the energy to do much else with your appearance. However you did manage to throw a black winter coat on since it's absolutely freezing outside.

It's been an exhausting day to say the least, and you were kind of in a funk for a while after Jimin left.

That Jimin from earlier was like an entirely different person. He said and did all the right things to put your heart at ease, and you somehow ended up crying into his arms.

It felt good. It wasn't scary. And it maybe even healed a little piece of your heart.

But what's driving you insane is that you can't turn your memory off. Jimin left four hours ago and you're still replaying things over and over again in your mind. Even as you're in another man's passenger seat, all you can think about is him.

You remember the way he touched you in the kitchen; it still feels like his warmth is pressed against your back. The sensation of his lips trailing down your neck is faintly present, making you shiver every time the wind blows over your skin.

You remember the way he held your hand and cupped your cheek, just that small bit of contact setting your skin on fire. The way his kiss against your forehead made your heart race as if you were teenagers again.

No don't do this, you scold yourself. You're just horny. It's been too long and now we're frustrated.

"I'm excited about this movie," Jum says, driving safely with both hands on the wheel. He looks really good tonight, dressed in a simple gray turtleneck sweater and navy blue jeans, his fluffy hair parted on the left.

"Me too," you nod, snapping your attention back towards him.

It's clear Jum wants to be more than just friends. He's been texting you a lot since your brunch date and you finally said yes to grabbing a movie. You let him pay this time, but only because he said he got a deal by buying both tickets together in advance.

That's probably a lie, but you'll let him get away with it.

Maybe this is what you need to take your mind off Jimin. A little flirting never killed anyone.

Jum pulls into the parking lot and runs around to open your car door, helping you out like the gentleman he is. The skin to skin contact doesn't make your heart race but it feels nice, and you decide to let him hold your hand through the crowd of people.

"I'm getting the popcorn," you glare as he reaches for his wallet. He gives you a guilty smile and nods, stepping back to let you pay.

"Theater 12 down on your left," the older man smiles, gesturing to the hall to the side.

There's a lot of people here today and Jum tends to walk fast since he's so tall, so you instinctively reach for his wrist when he gets a little ahead of you. You're feeling bold today, and desperate for a distraction, so you attach yourself to his arm as you walk.

It feels nice. He's probably been working out lately because you can feel how muscular his bicep is through his thick sweater.

Jum is trying to act unbothered but you can see his pink ears and notice the way he's laser focused on the theater door. He's nervous.

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